I got another guitar head in my studio(Koch Powertone II)


No Care Ever
Here is another clip with a real amp. Same song as before, different amp.

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/536384/Resurrect the Morning/July 2009/koch reamp/RTM Koch reamp.mp3

EDIT: scooped the mids a bit
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/536384/R...ly 2009/koch reamp/RTM Koch reamp scooped.mp3

This time i reamped with a Koch Powertone II and maxon OD808, all through a mesa cab. I mic'd with just 1 sm 57 on the edge of the dust cap this time(instead of 2 sm57's with Fredman micing). As far as i know, this is the only clip from this amp on this forum. I looked for some before picking up this amp, but found absolutely none.

I like the results of this alot more than the reamp i did last month with the 6505, but i still personally like the sound of pod farm more. Hopefully i'll be able to work out some better tones in the coming months. I'll be purchasing a 5150 asap, and i also have a Genz Benz El Diablo 100 coming in monday.

Here is the 6505 reamp.
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/536384/Resurrect the Morning/July 2009/6505 reamp/song 1 bright.mp3

Here is the original pod farm mix.
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/536384/Resurrect the Morning/July 2009/Final Mix/Song 1.mp3

And here are the amp settings i used.
I guess that honk I was complaining about with the 6505 re-amp must be something totally unrelated to the amp, cos there it is again!
I prefer this to the 6505 and Pod Farm re-amps for sure!
+1 there's some crazy 'honk' to both of the re-amped tones and even the Podfarm one, but to a lesser extent.

Maybe there is something less than ideal happened in the room you're recording the cab in. Try pulling the cab out to where you track drums to determine if it makes any difference?

Strange tones, indeed. Even though original w/Podfarm is Honkcity. It's almost hard to listen to.
well think about it
considering he did a pod farm "reamp" i dont see how it could be the room he recorded it in.
brian do you mind if i have a play with the DI's? id love to see how they translate over here
cheers bro
ill be having a play with these tomorrow after classes

i shall post my results
i think i still struggle to hear this honk you guys speak of. I never have had the ear for getting the right amount of mids in my tones. If it's in the podfarm mix, then i doubt that it's the room. Probably just me.

Here is a a version with a fairly hefty mid scoop
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/536384/R...ly 2009/koch reamp/RTM Koch reamp scooped.mp3

Wayyyyy better dude! Those guitars are sitting quite nicely. I only mentioned that it may be the room because the 2 re-amps sounded incredibly similar and the Podfarm wasn't really that bad.

What are you monitoring through, bro? I reckon you can't hear the 'honk' because of a combination of your mix room and the way your monitors interact within that room.

Acoustics are a bitchhhhh!
Wayyyyy better dude! Those guitars are sitting quite nicely. I only mentioned that it may be the room because the 2 re-amps sounded incredibly similar and the Podfarm wasn't really that bad.

What are you monitoring through, bro? I reckon you can't hear the 'honk' because of a combination of your mix room and the way your monitors interact within that room.

Acoustics are a bitchhhhh!

Mackie MR8's.
and there's no telling what kinda weird crap is going on in my mixing room haha.
Damn dude, that's SICK! What'd you use for guitars and what'd you use to master this if you don't mind me asking?

Sounds huge!!

Thanks dude ;)

It's just my usual SoloC > 8505 > catharsis' impulses > EQ

For the mastering I just raised loudness and messed a bit with the low end, and used: Compressor>EQ (highpass on 30hz)>Multiband comp.>Gclip>Gclip>Elephant.
