More pissed off music from the bowels of HELL.


No Care Ever
this is Resurrect the Morning. just a local band i've worked with in the past. i really need to work on getting these dudes signed. the Morning/September 2009/Final Mix/final Mix.mp3

On the opening breakdown, one guitar player is in dropped B, and the other is in dropped C, both playing dissonant breakdowns. I thought it sounded meaner that way haha
Podfarm guitar, real drums resampled with slate, DI bass through ampeg svx.
I love slate samples and pod, but i cant wait until i get good enough gear to move away from those crutches. I just bought a mesa cab, and i'm working on getting a 5150 for the studio:)
real drums will be much, much later down the road
sounds sick man

this band (or song rather) would be so much better if they dropped the generic deathcore bullshit and stuck with the melodic stuff
Wow dude, sound awesome. I'm surprised it's a completely ITB production. Awesome job.
Yeah I dig it a lot. Vocals could come up quite a bit, guitars down a touch and kick down a TOUCH. Or maybe just some re-eqing, it popped out too much on my laptop speakers but its fine on headphones.

Only other comment is that the guitars and bass aren't totally gelling. Perhaps some more distortion on the bass, or some more lows (like 70-80hz) on the guitars would help.

Really digging what you're doing to the drums here. I can't stand it when people use the raw (or almost raw) Slate drums like you used to do, but when they're decently processed they do indeed sound nice.

The bass fill at 2;00 is pretty awesome.
So Br00tal!!

Its super early and people are sleeping here still so I listened very low but everything sounds great. I really liked the guitar tone and lead guitar tone fucking owns!! Did you do anything different or new with Rhythm guitars or was it in the fingers??
This shits all over anything else you've done Brian :D You've gotten rid of the honk that always annoyed me a fair amount with your other guitar tones, and this just sounds like pure meat.
That breakdown in the intro with the differently tuned guitars is pretty cool too.

Snare sounds a bit small though. I'd dig a bit more 200hz on it for sure.
Any chance of getting a rough idea on what you did with the bass? It has a really awesome full sound to it. Love it man!

Brand new strings. 105 was the thickest gauge(they tuned in drop c).
Everything else was pretty much standard for me. Just directly into the front of my 003 into Ampeg SVX. The only thing i really did different was that i used c4 to even out the lows instead of making small cuts in certain frequencies so that some notes dont stick out more than others.

Bass tone is something i'm never really happy with, so i end up trying to completely rework it in ampeg svx and with eq on every band.
So Br00tal!!

Its super early and people are sleeping here still so I listened very low but everything sounds great. I really liked the guitar tone and lead guitar tone fucking owns!! Did you do anything different or new with Rhythm guitars or was it in the fingers??

Just a little more mids on the lead parts, as well as a fair amount of reverb and some delay. On the main solo, we actually forgot to switch to the neck pickup haha. sounds pretty funny to me. One of the negatives of trying to track a whole song in just one day
This shits all over anything else you've done Brian :D You've gotten rid of the honk that always annoyed me a fair amount with your other guitar tones, and this just sounds like pure meat.
That breakdown in the intro with the differently tuned guitars is pretty cool too.

Snare sounds a bit small though. I'd dig a bit more 200hz on it for sure.

i completely raped the mids on this recording haha. I usually have the mids knob on pod farm at around 40-50%. This time it was on 25-30%. I also took about -5db out of the 500hz range with like 10q width
sounds fucking sick dude. =D

+1 on the Slate processing. I'm always finding myself processing them more than some people. Makes them more br00tz. =D
sounds fucking sick dude. =D

+1 on the Slate processing. I'm always finding myself processing them more than some people. Makes them more br00tz. =D

yeah for this band i used alot more processing than usual, especially with processing. I think that's part of the reason the snare sounds a little weak. I should probably raise the attack time of the snare compressor a little
yeah for this band i used alot more processing than usual, especially with processing. I think that's part of the reason the snare sounds a little weak. I should probably raise the attack time of the snare compressor a little

For sure dude, the snare could have a little more impact and pseudo-volume via EQ boosts, but that's all I can nitpick. Killer tones on everything!
i really like the track, some of the melodic parts remind me a little bit of chimaira.
production is killer!