got my medication halved 3 days ago...


Feb 23, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
... and boy is my body feeling it.
one of my new year resolutions was to try and cut my dependency on my medications for my bipolar disorder. and after pleading to my doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist and even my family to change my medications, an understanding was for me to half my current medication regime.
basically this is the end of my 3rd day and im starting to feel it.
can't stop my shaking and ticks, current resting heart rate is around 120bpm, paranoia and moodswings have come back hard.
im hoping this is all just initial withdrawals because i can honestly say i am enjoying the extra ability to think and interpret, not to mention ive been using all this anxious energy to push myself a lot harder at the gym. the pills have wrecked me mentally and physically.
but now i just need more ways to push through this phase, the doctors said because of my high doses that this period will feel like im coming down off heroin ha
Well, cant provide you with any further ideas, guess sport is the best you can do to distract yourself and making some use of this energy. But I wish you all the best!
I don't take my medication on the weekends, friday, saturday, sunday.
Monday I feel so spaced out from the medication
Maybe try have a day or two off the meds here and there
Tho, You'll be a cranky dude wen ya dont take it