Got my WoY guitar string back from the frame shop today.


Oct 16, 2005
Colorado, USA
BUUUT, you'll have to wait for pictures :p

I picked it up at work when I got here and I have another two hours before I get off and can take pictures of it. In total it cost me $45.42 and it came out VERY nice. Looks perfect. There is a seude black matting with the string coiled around, the green ball on the end of the string points to/is just above the little silver name plate reading:
Woods of Ypres
The Deepest Roots and The Darkest Blues

Well, at least I think. If that's not the correct album title it says whatever the correct album title is, hah! Only thing I regret is that I should have gotten "2006" at the bottom of the nameplate, but it still looks damn sweet.

BTW, you're also going to have to endure shit pics because of my camera phone. Though, maybe I can use my girlfriends and then upload them. We shall see. TWO HOURS and you can see it! TWo hours and I can see it too, since I only looked at it for a quick second when I got it. :cry:
Okay! Sorry it took so long. Hung-out with the girlfriend after work...

Sorry for the ass-quality pics, but I had to use my cellphone.




My cat has taken a liking to it as well.

David Gold said:
I hear it's huge in Japan right now. :p

Ash? :)

+ N-Isa is a cool new twist to it!

Sorry man, I moved back to Australia recently, so I'm not too sure. :p I went to a few metal gigs over there but I never quite found out what the relevant expression for "FUCKING BRUTAL!" was. :erk: I used "FUCKING BRUTAL!" anyway and got a few blank stares. :)

N-Isa? Sounds vaguely Italian or something? Like, "Mmmmm that-sa n-isa meatball". :D
That's a very cool job on the framed string, right there. And a beautiful cat, I might add. Ours is pretty much the opposite, being a white long hair (actualy bicolour white and beige).
Cats rule!
WOOO! Go cats! They are metal. Cats ist krieg.

Mine is regular tabby we rescued from the streets and she also loves boxes. Her name is hobbes after both Calvin and Hobbes the comic, and Thomas Hobbes.

Nice framing job, it gave me a few ideas on how I want to do mine.