Got myself a Bass! (Cheesy Hardrock/metal demo-snip)


Feb 29, 2012
So I got tired of trying to pitch shift my guitar, and went ahead and bought a nice used Yamaha TRB 1005

It's the first time I ever play bass, so the playing is awful - but anyway.

I wanted to see if I could get this 'thing' to fit in a mix, just for the sake of experience.

Amp is a 6505+ 112 DI'ed and the Bass is DI'ed too. Audio interface is a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. Drums are SD2.

Rhythm Guitars panned 80/80 and 'lead stuff' is 70/70

Multiband comp. on the master, but dunno if it just made things worse.

Still got a lot to learn I guess.

Kind regards

ps. uploaded the rhythm only to soundcloud too, if anyone cares.

No lead stuff..
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