Got ***** ?

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
That's right! Imagine an America in which school officials could strip search every student in their school based on the unsubstantiated tip that one of them might have a joint. Congress is voting on a bill Tuesday or Wednesday that could make these police state tactics more common. And I am not being paranoid in this era when more and more rights are being legislated away little by little.

Now, here's a bill that wasn't even voted on in committee and is being fast-tracked to the floor under a procedure that requires just a 2/3 vote to pass.

The Student Teacher Safety Act of 2006 (HR 5295) is a sloppily written bill that would require any school receiving federal funding (essentially every public school) to adopt policies allowing teachers and school officials to conduct random, warrantless searches of every student, at any time, for essentially any reason they want. All they would have to do is say they suspect one of their students might be carrying *****, and then they could conduct a wide scale search of every student in the building. These searches could be pat-downs, bag searches, or strip searches depending on how far school administrators wanted to go. Although courts would have the power to overturn policies that went "too far", it could take years - possibly decades - to safeguard the rights of students in every school.

Disconnecting searches from individualized suspicion is what led to the Goose Creek scandal in 2003. That South Carolina city sent a machine-gun toting SWAT team into a high school because the principal suspected one of the students might be selling marijuana. 150 terrified students were handcuffed and forced to the floor at gunpoint as drug dogs tore through their book bags. No ***** or guns were ever found.

The legislation is supported by senior House Republicans and the National Education Association (NEA). It's opposed by the Drug Policy Alliance, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, the ACLU, the American Association of School Administrators, and the National School Boards Association.

What can you do to preserve your child's rights?

Call your Congressional Representativeand tell them vote against it. It's a bad bill.
Wow, I really hope this doesn't pass. Luckily, I only have one more year of high school.
THis is just a bad idea all around. Do you release the number of pedophiles that will be excied by this and try to become Substitute teachers.
Doomcifer said:
I guess US teachers will be part time teachers and part time C.O.'s, next thing you know they will be carrying handcuffs and OC spray.

woop woop!

:kickass: My wife is a high school teacher!

After seeing some of the thugs she teaches, I can see why it might pass.