Gotham - Holy Bat Balls...

Talking Backwards

Senior Citizen
Oct 5, 2009
This show fucking sucks. I was assuming it was going to be another "Batman" series that was trying to be in the Nolan vein, but it both is and isn't. It's like this strange cross of a Nolan-like filming style but with the tone of the Joel Schumacher movie, and good god is the music editing awful and completely inappropriate. The actors are flat out B grade and are not good enough to give the show the kind of gravitas it thinks it has.

I'll just stick with Arrow I think.
I enjoyed it. I personally don't see what the big deal is with Nolan's Batman; everyone just fawns over his portrayal when Bale made a terrible Bruce Wayne and the only saving grace was The Joker. That entire trilogy was forgettable, even though they were great movies in and of themselves.

Gotham doesn't take itself so seriously that it ruins the entire thing, unlike Nolan's Batman. It's dark but at the same time a little playful, which is precisely what Batman was always about. This recent popular notion that Batman is supposed to be eternally moody and angry is just a bunch of people who want everything to be pissed off and sarcastic like Wolverine.

Anything after Tim Burton's two Batman films is either ridiculous or too serious. Nolan's Batman films weren't very good Batman movies, imo, but they would have been excellent non-superhero movies. There was too much story, not enough cool.

Donal Logue is anything but B-grade. Did you not like his roles in Vikings and Sons of Anarchy?
Donal Logue is anything but B-grade. Did you not like his roles in Vikings and Sons of Anarchy?

There are just so many things wrong with this series, and it's been picked apart to death elsewhere. Anyway, maybe I should have said "B grade acting". I was very surprised out how utterly hammy Logue was in this, and I'm sure it was entirely due to the directing. But of course his terrible dialogue didn't help matters much. But to answer your question, yes, I thought he was good on those shows. I also happened to like Jada Pinkett Smith, but she was pretty ridiculous in this too.

As for the Nolan films, they just were not "comic book" movies and I have no idea how you can say Bale was a bad Bruce Wayne. He utterly nailed the entire "playboy millionaire" better than any actor previously. Keaton was laughable as Wayne (his acting was fine), but he seemed okay as Batman thanks to his stare and because you didn't have to see his face and hair. Bale on the otherhand pissed off a lot of people with his gutteral demon-speak all of the time, myself included. That, Katie Holmes and not being able to understand what the fuck Bane was saying half of the time were the worst things about the entire trilogy. Yep, Ledger stole the show entirely, but that doesn't make the rest of it bad or even forgettable. He was simply that good.

Tim Burton made one good Batman film, then ruined the next with Penguin. No amount of Cat Woman could make up for that.
I think Batman Returns was just too dark and morbid. I wouldn't say it was ruined, but The Penguin was just too dark as a follow-up to Nicholson's genius. They chose gore and shock over substance because Danny DeVito isn't exactly Oscar material, although he was a good choice for Penguin.

It's all a little hammy and over-the-top because it's supposed to be. I think Logue is supposed to be so over-the-top because that's what the show is all about. Batman has always been comic book-y, which, like you said, is what I felt was lacking in Nolan's Batman. And Bale was a bad Bruce Wayne, imo. Bruce Wayne is supposed to be mysterious, and no one did it better than Keaton. Keaton's Wayne may have even been better than his Batman. He captured that orphaned boy with the world at his fingers and nearly zero guidance who is now a man and doesn't really understand how to interact with normal people. Bale, on the other hand, portrayed him as some swanky playboy who gets all the girls and does nothing but throw lavish parties as if he were The Great Gatsby. Nolan had it all wrong. I know I'll get crucified for this because no one is supposed to challenge his holiness' film making genius, but I thought the last three Batmen were terribly overrated. They were great films, but they would've been better without Batman in them. Ledger's performance is the only reason I think the second was the best, because the first had a better story. Two-face got wrapped up all nice and neat, and Bane was just flat-out boring. That entire film I was just waiting to get to the end so I could see the next Batman teaser hint.

Gotham is good, but there are some people I think don't fit...namely, Alfred. I don't know yet if I like him or not because I'm kind of on the fence. On one hand, I like the direction they've taken and sorta made Alfred more of a snarky badass who cherishes Bruce but isn't afraid to smack him, and on the other hand I worry they may take the character too far and make him something he's really not.

The mafia boss is absolutely ridiculous and forgettable. Every single character he has portrayed has been wooden and awful.

Still unsure about Gordon. It could go either way. I liked his performance as a cop on Southside, but I wonder if he's the right fit. I think Donal Logue is right on the money, however. He's gritty, half-drunk, pragmatic, and corrupt just enough to get the job done. It's difficult to tell whose side he's really on, if it's just his style or if he's really a bastard. He just looks like THAT guy.
Gotham is good, but there are some people I think don't fit...namely, Alfred.

Haha, yeah. When I saw him at first I thought "Sure, why not?", until he started speaking with what sounded like a hardcore cockney accent. Alfred was British too, but not from the slums. He also has a silly wandering eye that just doesn't look good on film.

The mafia boss is absolutely ridiculous and forgettable. Every single character he has portrayed has been wooden and awful.

Yep, that's exactly what I thought too. Oh, you're reprising your role from The Wire right? Or is it The Borgias? Doesn't matter, they're all the same.

Still unsure about Gordon. It could go either way. I liked his performance as a cop on Southside, but I wonder if he's the right fit.

I actually thought that he was Joseph Gordon-Levitt from the first quick preview that I saw for the show, which is why I thought it was going to be something special. The guy playing Jim is okay, but that chase scene was something else...

Also, how did you like the fact that Cat Teenager stole a fresh jug of milk that was 80% gone when she took it out for the alley cat? I guess she was just that thirsty. Oh, and apparently she likes to skulk and prowl everywhere she goes. You know, in case we had forgotten in the last five minutes from her previous scene who she was. The actress also looks like a young Michelle Pfeiffer which is probably the only reason she got the role over another actress.

Donal Logue was good in Sons of Anarchy I also remember him from 'The Tao of Steve.' lol anyone seen that? Sorry...random. I liked Gotham...I don't take it too seriously, it's far from perfect and I'm a huge Batman fan. I LOVED the Nolan films. I noticed from the teasers all kinds of cheesey shit. But I'm interested in the storyline so I'll be watching every episode. I think all of the characters except Bruce Wayne could be played by different actors after seeing the first episode. Bullock could be more gruff and snarly or something...he's supposed to be overweight and kinda grouchy. But I guess that's him when he's older. This show is the first time we see Gordon as this good guy-alpha badass which I'm not too thrilled with but whatever it is what it is.
Haha, yeah. When I saw him at first I thought "Sure, why not?", until he started speaking with what sounded like a hardcore cockney accent. Alfred was British too, but not from the slums. He also has a silly wandering eye that just doesn't look good on film.

Yep, that's exactly what I thought too. Oh, you're reprising your role from The Wire right? Or is it The Borgias? Doesn't matter, they're all the same.

I actually thought that he was Joseph Gordon-Levitt from the first quick preview that I saw for the show, which is why I thought it was going to be something special. The guy playing Jim is okay, but that chase scene was something else...

Also, how did you like the fact that Cat Teenager stole a fresh jug of milk that was 80% gone when she took it out for the alley cat? I guess she was just that thirsty. Oh, and apparently she likes to skulk and prowl everywhere she goes. You know, in case we had forgotten in the last five minutes from her previous scene who she was. The actress also looks like a young Michelle Pfeiffer which is probably the only reason she got the role over another actress.

I foresee a meme coming with Catwoman. I can see her skulking and crawling around in the grocery store to buy tampons and toilet paper in the near future. :lol:

And oh, Jesus, Borgia. There were two series, Borgia and The Borgias...Borgia was the mafia boss' show, whereas The Borgias had Jeremy Irons and was infinitely better. Borgia was downright AWFUL, and his acting was atrocious. It's a shame because he has a really great voice, he just has no idea how to use inflection. When he was walking away, he said, "In bocca al lupo", which is a common way of saying good luck in Italian. But he said it with the whitest Anglo-Saxon accent that just totally killed it. He just doesn't fit as a mob boss.
I've watched both Borgia and The Borgias. I just thought of Borgia as "Oh yeah, it's the lesser The Borgias".
I enjoyed it. I personally don't see what the big deal is with Nolan's Batman; everyone just fawns over his portrayal when Bale made a terrible Bruce Wayne and the only saving grace was The Joker.
Thank you! I couldn't care less about superhero movies, but it irks me how everyone keeps gushing over Bale's Batman where in reality, he acted like a massive fucking ham, especially in his Batman costume. His growly speech is fucking pathetic, Baby's First Acting Class material. I suppose the special effects were good, but meh, Heath Ledger was the only one who turned the film from poor into decent. Well, and Gary oldman, but man, he's Gary Oldman, Still, even Ledger and Oldman couldn't polish those turds.
Haven't seen Gotham
I've just been watching Arrow and just kinda assumed that Gotham wouldn't be as good as Arrow cuz it's not being made by the same people as Arrow and new Flash show