Ice Bat Goes To ProgPower X!


That's me and my friends! :)

"Hot Setlist Girl" is probably Jessica, the blonde in the red corset-top. That's actually my top, but I was (and am) too pudgy to fit into it anymore. So I had her wear it.

I totally forgot you had us all pose with Anders and Ice Bat. :D Snagging this picture for posterity, if you don't mind.
^You (and anyone else) feel free to grab any of my photos. I can send you the original one if you want (I reduced all of the to 640x480 to post).

I called her "Hot Setlist Girl" because I handed her one of the setlists from the band and she gave me a hug. Like I said, I always make up names for people. And all of you are hot! :)

I really had a great time down in front of the stage with everyone in front of the barrier going nuts throughout DSO's set. I often feel like no one "gets" most of the music I like (people that live around me fear riding in my car!), so it was so cool to see a room full of people totally getting into a band that's really different from most "normal" PP bands.

Not sure if I'm going to stand up at the stage for Seventh Wonder or not, as I have a foot injury (which is a long and amazing story itself), but I'm going to try.

Hey Dave,

These pics are great. Thanks for sharing the memories.

Is there any way for you to transfer that pit priviledge for Seventh Wonder if you won't be using it?!! ;) I'll keep an eye on Mare for you!

Can't wait to see you two again. The anticipation for next weekend grows by the minute.
^You (and anyone else) feel free to grab any of my photos. I can send you the original one if you want (I reduced all of the to 640x480 to post).


Send me mine! Send me mine! Please? it's my username at :notworthy

(And yeah, definite do-over with a not-so-sleepy Kimpy!)
Great pics...thanks for the trip down metal memory lane. Looking forward to seeing you, Mare, and Ice Bat soon!