Gothic/doom-death track, seeking objective opinions

This is a track by my band Twilight's Embrace, in the vein of Katatonia, Paradise Lost, Insomnium, Draconian, Daylight Dies, etc.

Unmastered mix @ Soundcloud
Mastered (well, 'loudened') mix @ Soundcloud

I did the recording, mixing, and faux-mastering in Sonar 7 with mostly free plugins. The current mix sounds ok to me, at least for an amateur attempt, but I know it can be improved upon. The mastered version mostly does a rather crude job of getting the loudness on a parity with other bands but I know that can be improved also.

I'd love to hear constructive criticism on the mix so that I can improve things in time for our demo which we hope to release this summer.
I jump on every Doom-death type mix in here cause I´m a huge fan of the genre, have a band of that style and there are so few around here.

I like the song a lot, I think the guitars need to be more to the forefront, maybe some Eqing to make it sound a bit more over the bass and drums? I looove the dirty vocals btw, excellent grunting, can´t say the same on the clean vocals though
mess with the delay or reverb on the vocals a little, and the kick sounds a little flabby. there seems to be a little glitch around 2 minutes as well?
Cheers for the comments guys, much appreciated! The clean vox are a matter of taste, I know. :) I fixed up the drum glitch (and am amused that our drummer didn't notice it), cut the low mids on the kick, and pushed the guitars up a tiny amount, so hopefully the new version is better as a result.
Cymbals sound a bit harsh, and kick/snare are definitely not loud enough ( its hard to hear them in my monitors).

I like the song, and I think the clean vocals are not bad :)
When the crashes hit, I can hear a little bit of compression pumping. It may be compression on the overall mix that is doing that. Either way, I would try to bring the cymbals down in the mix a little more and maybe bring some of the guitar presence up. Also, metal up that kick a little more and add some of that 10k region and maybe some low end between 60-90. Also, some of the tom hits stand out a little too much for my flavor in the song. I would try to automate those down.

The 1st clean guitar part sounds freakin awesome and love the low talking voice but I would personally like to have that part slightly quieter overall so when the huge electric guitars come back it, its a bigger difference.

P.S. the British accent makes it that much cooler: "take her hand." Very nice ending. Nice job!
if you replace the snare-kick its would sound alot better......diggin it very cool song ! vocals seem fine to me......guitar chain??