Gotta Love those Americans Part 2

The worst part is that the game is R rated which emans you gotta be 17 to play it. There's a lot of boobies and dressed up sex in 99% of all movies coming out from Amerikkka these days, what the fuck is the point in getting all upset because of a game that only shows a pair of low poly tits and poorly animated sexual positions.

I hate politicians, christian conservatives and whiners.
its stupid that they rated it ao now. on the pc version you need a mod to do it and you can't really do it on the xbox or ps2 unless you hacked it or something. i doubt some kid is going to install a mod for a game to get porn when he could just go on google and type in "sex".
"A Rockstar spokesperson said the company was considering legal action against Action Replay, GameShark, and other makers of console cheat devices that allow access to the sex minigames."

oh god, i would never imagine they would sue someone out of thin air :OMG:

panzerKunt said:
The worst part is that the game is R rated which emans you gotta be 17 to play it. There's a lot of boobies and dressed up sex in 99% of all movies coming out from Amerikkka these days, what the fuck is the point in getting all upset because of a game that only shows a pair of low poly tits and poorly animated sexual positions.

I hate politicians, christian conservatives and whiners.

my thoughts exactly. if americans would think about other stuff more important we would be alot better off. i mean a dude can rob your house get bitten by your dog and the robber can sue you. how pathetic. i mena in europe if you ask a kid what hey want to be when they grow up they say an engineer. in america you ask them the same question they either wanna be blood sucking lawyer or spiderman.
Secretary - "Sir, those photos of the beheadings in iraq are on channel 31 right now, shall i turn it on for you"
AP - "Yeah that'd be great. See this is what are kids REALLY Need to see, blood thirsty terrorists lopping off the heads of innocent people. they NEED TO KNOW THE ENEMY WE ARE FIGHTING!!! Wow, he cut right through his spine. I thought they only showed that in Video games an movies."

Europe has a much more healthy attitude about sex. It's definately more natural than killing someone. plus, the female body is one of the most beatful things in the world, followed by snow covered cathedrals, watching sunrises/sunsets on the beach, and watching your first born emerge. But nope, not in america, we show death and dying like it was going out of style, and heaven forbid a boobie might be seen by a young kid. what a crock of shit. Sometimes i really hate this country. It's so fucking BACKWARDS.
Ralf said:
Well Bob, you should return to the land of your perverted forefathers then :)

shit, i'll just go to poland with kasia, shes teaching me the language.
it doesnt even matter that it wont be in as many stores with the AO rating. 90% of the people (including me) bought the game in the first week it came out when it still had the M rating. i bet rockstar doesnt even really care because its made all its major profits already.
^ anybody, usualy people pay for entertaiment. And you speaking polish must be hilarious :loco:
the thing i find funniest about this whole thing is that in a game about being a gangbanger, they only focus on a portion of unused code that ended up having some sex in it. politicans.:rolleyes:

what's worse is that people actually want hillary clinton to be president.
Ralf said:
^ anybody, usualy people pay for entertaiment. And you speaking polish must be hilarious :loco:

actually, it almost comes naturally, just tonight kasia asked her sister if she put somethin gin the freezer (in polish). Immediately after that i asked her "did you put that thing in the freezer."

Also my pronounciation is pretty good, kasia says.
i think rockstar can deal with that kind of thing though.

I mean, they spent 90% of the time the franchise exists putting out games with white guys only, so they could finally release a game starred by da niggahs in da hood without being called racist pricks :lol: