GOTTHARD - "We want to continue..."


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
From :

"Message from Gotthard to all the fans - WE WANT TO CONTINUE!

After the tragic accident of our friend and singer Steve Lee, who died October the 5th 2010 in the USA, we withdrew ourselves until after the new year and took a break. Now we are back again with plans for the future and a difficult task to fulfill.
Leo Leoni: "...after the very emotional days after Steve's death, it was important for us to first of all try and cope with the pain, give it a place to rest and find ourselves again. And so we sat down in the new year and tried to look at the new situation „soberly“ was obvious to all of us very quickly that we had to go on – Gotthard is not a job for us – GOTTHARD IS OUR LIFE!!“
Hena Habegger: "of course it can only go on if we are lucky to find the right guy. We're not only searching for a voice which can bring our songs alive again….we are looking much more for a singer who also humanly fits with us – with the Gotthard Family!”
Freddy Scherer: "… for all of us it's a big challenge and it will not be easy at all. But we have good faith and we do what we do best – make music!”
Marc Lynn: "....A big thank you to all the fans. Your concern, cards, e-mails and entries in the guestbook have given us the supporting power to deal with what has happened better and to gather new courage for the future."
Thank you so much ~ Gotthard - Hena, Leo, Freddy, Marc.
I was wondering if continuing is the right thing or not. Gotthard was a brand, like BonJovi, the voice was a crucial part of this, and to carry on it would seem slightly awkward. Should they continue with the same name, or change the name, or...what you think?
I was wondering if continuing is the right thing or not. Gotthard was a brand, like BonJovi, the voice was a crucial part of this, and to carry on it would seem slightly awkward. Should they continue with the same name, or change the name, or...what you think?

Sometimes it works out. Look at Accept! Mark Tornillo stands out on his own, despite how much people loved Udo. Perhaps these guys could find someone who does the same.
I was wondering if continuing is the right thing or not. Gotthard was a brand, like BonJovi, the voice was a crucial part of this, and to carry on it would seem slightly awkward. Should they continue with the same name, or change the name, or...what you think?

Oh yeah... Gotthard was totally as big as Bon Jovi....
Gotthard are the biggest Rock band to come out of Switzerland besides Krokus...over 2 million albums sold worldwide...their albums consistently go to Number 1 in Switzerland...they get multi-platinum awards in other parts of the world as well. It is going to be a big deal in Switzerland & over Europe when these guys land a new singer...
in case you're not aware, there are markets outside the USA.

Gotthard is a HUGE name in Europe.

Gotthard are the biggest Rock band to come out of Switzerland besides Krokus...over 2 million albums sold worldwide...their albums consistently go to Number 1 in Switzerland...they get multi-platinum awards in other parts of the world as well. It is going to be a big deal in Switzerland & over Europe when these guys land a new singer...

I'm actually well aware of all of this, and there's nothing in my post that could've made you guys come to the conclusion that I wasn't. But to say they're a brand on the level of Bon Jovi, who's sold 130 million records worldwide? There are much bigger worldwide-scale bands than Gotthard such as AC/DC and Alice In Chains who have had singers that died and they rebounded back quite well.

So yeah, not to say that they are unaccomplished, but it is to say that they're not Metallica, and bigger bands than Gotthard were able to do it.
In context, per capita, Gotthard is as big in Switzerland as Bon Jovi or Van Halen are in's scale.

Worldwide, obviously 130 million trumps 2 million everytime. I was not inferring that Gotthard ARE as big as Bon Jovi on a general, worldwide level. I was only inferring that to scale, in a country as small as Switzerland, Gotthard are their Bon Jovi in that sense.
Absolutely they should keep the name and continue as they see fit. Nostalgic fans are always melancholy and calling it sacrilegious or something similiar when a "branded" band wants to continue after replacing a key member. But they worked years to build that brand. Who are the fans to tell them, "Start over."? Gotthard fans, of which there are many, will go to Gotthard shows and by Gotthard records even with a new singer. Some won't, but most will. And new, younger fans will be established who will apprecitiate the new face of the band and also buy the back catolog. That is, it they get the right guy and make it work. Hope they do.
I myself being a huge fan and playing with gotthard few shows, i doubt it very much that they will ever get a great personality and a singer like Steve lee, he was one of a kind and one of the great persons i've ever met, i am still shocked what happened to him:(((
Oh yeah... Gotthard was totally as big as Bon Jovi....

I never made the claim that they were as big as BonJovi, but they are big overseas. Thanks for the guys backing me up on this. I just love it when you get slammed or misquoted over a simple statement around here....Keeps my arguing abilities sharp!
In context, per capita, Gotthard is as big in Switzerland as Bon Jovi or Van Halen are in's scale.

Worldwide, obviously 130 million trumps 2 million everytime. I was not inferring that Gotthard ARE as big as Bon Jovi on a general, worldwide level. I was only inferring that to scale, in a country as small as Switzerland, Gotthard are their Bon Jovi in that sense.

And my point is that if much much bigger bands like AC/DC could do it, Gotthard could do it. Anyone could.