I haven't heard the band yet, but it's ironic I saw a thread here about them while I was browsing for some of their releases. I just know that Krusty is the authority on this band... as he's a huge fan and is always willing to convert people over to listening to them. :Spin:
I'll more than likely buy up their entire catalauge; I've been on alarge AOR kick as of late, and have been listening to bands like Emreald Rain, Millenium (both recomended by Rainer Kalwitz who did their album covers), as well as Jaded Heart and my new favorite... Frontline! So Gotthard is next on my list along with Von Groove....
I'm finding more and more bands like this, usually on Point music, Frontier Records or Now & Then Records, that are very high quality metal/rock AOR, many of which sound like a time warp back to the late 80's! This is stuff I was raised on, so I'm really digging it!