Translated lyrics:
From afar She is watch'd
By eyne that play in grey
While above the Moone, silent, Glides
The Maiden:
"Cold eyne I sense
What Creatures are near?
Fast, far away from here I must flee
Or by force their Magick will steal me away"
Eyne hold her still
Caress Her from afar
Norwegian Nighte turns colde
When howling Wolves do sing
Thunder rolling (Fear rides in the air)
A snowcladde Worlde
-In silence
Alone She is, and astray
Throbbing fast, her Hearte
Her Bloode turning to Ice
The Netherworlde:
Here lieth Sorrow's Source
Between the thornecladde Trees
So faire a virtuous Maide
Her dreams invite the Dawn
On these Damask'd cheeks
On her Mouth bereft of Smile
A torrent of Tears runs free
While the Worlde sleeps
Iunno. EDIT: Oh, flee. I get it.