Grabnebelfursten - Dynastie Oder Wie Man Zerrschaft Definiert

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Grabnebelfursten - Dynastie Oder Wie Man Zerrschaft Definiert
2003 - Ketzer Records
By Philip Whitehouse


More underground black metal from Ketzer Records, this time in the form of German extremists Grabnebelfursten. Throwing elements of death metal into their cauldron of bubbling black metal, Grabnebelfursten utilise a mixture of guttural roars, strangled shrieks and complex musicianship fused to high-velocity black metal assaults to create an intimidating, unrelenting sound.

The production is pretty clear and crisp for a band of this type and status - the bass guitar in particular is surprisingly clear in the mix, which adds depth to the riffs and occasionally provides some low-end melodies in the rare moments where Grabnebelfursten slow down - and believe me, those moments are rare. Grabnebelfursten sound positively rabid in their relentless pacing and twisted, brain rattling intensity of attack. The drumming is varied enough not to rely entirely on blastbeats, and the guitarists go from typically BM riffage to near-death-metal tremolo picked heaviness with nary a pause for breath.

The tracks lengths range from 3:57 to 11:04, but the tracks never become repetetive or monotonous - there's enough variety in the sound to retain the interest. Engaging, chilling, vicious stuff - looking forward to hearing more from these guys.


Go to the Ketzer Records website.