Kharon – Raised By Hellish Demons


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Kharon – Raised By Hellish Demons
Ketzer Records – KCD031 – 2003
By Russell Garwood

Norway’s Kharon recently reformed after several years of inactivity. Now consisting of vocalist General Hymer, Kull (bass and backing vox), Rigor (all guitars), Tamlin (bass) and drummer Jontho Panthera, the band play heavily death influenced black metal. The guitars are always melodic, varying between death metal riffage and black-influenced work. This helps keep the mid-paced music both interesting and accessible, while the basses are (surprisingly) not overpowering. The prominent vocals are a black-metal orientated scream, while backing growls show further death leanings. The contrast between the two is effective, fronting the energy-filled music with style. The drums are solid, driving the music well with slow blasts and plenty of variation.

“Raised By Hellish Demons” is an enjoyable release, with solid song-writing and good performances all round. While there is very little originality on display, this recording was intended to be a demo (now released in a run of 1000 by Ketzer Records), and as such is an impressive achievement. The production is also of a high standard for a demo, and I look forward to hearing further developments in the band’s sound.