Grand Magus - Monument
Rise Above - RISECD44 - 20/10/04
By Patrick Walsh
Grand Magus is the brainchild of vocalist/guitarist JB, he of Swedish Amott-infused stoners Spiritual Beggars. Thus fans of the latter will be familiar with his soulful yet forceful tones, and Monument finds the man at home like never before. Unlike the more buoyant guitar acrobatics of Spiritual Beggars, Grand Magus offer up a much darker, doomier set of songs with the prerequisite Sabbath influence amidst a modern fuzzed up production.
With song titles such as 'Chooser of the Slain (Valfader)', 'He Who Seeks Shall Find' and 'Baptised in Fire', you just know you're in for a mighty ride, and Monument lives up to its members' pedigree wonderfully. Opener 'Ulbaskall (Varger)' summons forth one of the downright heaviest riffs to be heard in some time, and when JB begins to sing like a tortured bluesman, you know you're onto a winner. The quality of songwriting is consistent and varied throughout without sacrificing the moodiness of the whole thing; 'Brotherhood of Sleep' comes across as a heavy metal tune being played by a grunge band, and if 'Baptised in Fire' fails to get your blood pumping, with it's almost Soundgarden-esque quiet section exploding into a raucous chorus, then you're obviously lacking in lifeforce...or whatever it is that makes these things go right down our spines.
Only 'Food of the Gods' threatens to piss on the Grand Magus parade, being a faster number that only serves to undermine the doominess of the rest of this release. The rest of Monument however is essential listening for those on the lookout for an excellent slice of stoner doom, not to mention fans of JB's work with Spiritual Beggars or even disgruntled grungers. Monument is a typically Swedish piece of art at its best; never afraid to pay homage to its influences but forward thinking in equal measure. Great stuff.
Grand Magus' Official Website
Rise Above Records' Official Website
Rise Above - RISECD44 - 20/10/04
By Patrick Walsh

Grand Magus is the brainchild of vocalist/guitarist JB, he of Swedish Amott-infused stoners Spiritual Beggars. Thus fans of the latter will be familiar with his soulful yet forceful tones, and Monument finds the man at home like never before. Unlike the more buoyant guitar acrobatics of Spiritual Beggars, Grand Magus offer up a much darker, doomier set of songs with the prerequisite Sabbath influence amidst a modern fuzzed up production.
With song titles such as 'Chooser of the Slain (Valfader)', 'He Who Seeks Shall Find' and 'Baptised in Fire', you just know you're in for a mighty ride, and Monument lives up to its members' pedigree wonderfully. Opener 'Ulbaskall (Varger)' summons forth one of the downright heaviest riffs to be heard in some time, and when JB begins to sing like a tortured bluesman, you know you're onto a winner. The quality of songwriting is consistent and varied throughout without sacrificing the moodiness of the whole thing; 'Brotherhood of Sleep' comes across as a heavy metal tune being played by a grunge band, and if 'Baptised in Fire' fails to get your blood pumping, with it's almost Soundgarden-esque quiet section exploding into a raucous chorus, then you're obviously lacking in lifeforce...or whatever it is that makes these things go right down our spines.
Only 'Food of the Gods' threatens to piss on the Grand Magus parade, being a faster number that only serves to undermine the doominess of the rest of this release. The rest of Monument however is essential listening for those on the lookout for an excellent slice of stoner doom, not to mention fans of JB's work with Spiritual Beggars or even disgruntled grungers. Monument is a typically Swedish piece of art at its best; never afraid to pay homage to its influences but forward thinking in equal measure. Great stuff.
Grand Magus' Official Website
Rise Above Records' Official Website