Graphics cards (on a budget)?


Feb 15, 2007
Tampere, Finland
Can you guys recommend some decent cards around 100€?

I'm not a heavy gamer, I've been doing fine with my trusty Radeon X550 (IIRC) but it's not cutting it anymore.. :(

I just wanna play Civ V! :waah: (recommended specs: 512 MB ATI 4800 series or better, 512 MB nVidia 9800 series or better)
A used Geforce GTX460 or Radeon HD5770 should be like 70-100€. You might get either of them as new in this price range as well, but don't hold your breath. Else I'd recommend a Radeon HD6850, they should be around 120-130€.
I bought a fbm gtx560ti and wont recommend to anyone. Its a great card but the amount of bsod's and game crashes I get are mind boggling

Haven't heard of FBM before but I'm pretty happy with my Asus Geforce GTX560Ti. It's the DirectCUII cooler. It keeps the card at a good temperature but is a little too loud in load so I had to apply my own fan curve. Though the GTX560 cards is a little bit out of his range.