Grave Digger @ BW&BK


Feb 11, 2002
Any one going to the show this year? I've already got a room booked for the weekend. I'm not real impressed with Primal Fear or Seven Witches but Grave Digger and Ion Vein are two bands I'd like to see!
I really wish I was going this year, especailly to see GRAVE DIGGER!!! :yell:

Unfortuanly, It looks as though my finacial situation and vaction time allotment don't jive...

this sucks! :ill:


anyone wanna buy my ticket and fly me out? :loco:
zinescene said:
Any one going to the show this year? I've already got a room booked for the weekend. I'm not real impressed with Primal Fear or Seven Witches but Grave Digger and Ion Vein are two bands I'd like to see!
I'm there, had a lot of fun last year, despite finding out 3 days before the show. Going to make it a 5 dayer this time and enjoy it a little more this time. GD will be cool, I chatted with the guy from ION a bit last time and got a few demo discs from them, good stuff.:cool:
ggggrrrrrrrrrrr! :yell:

again, unless our bands finacial/calander and my vaction time allows it... I won't be making it. :erk:

Of course, looking that it's still a ways away, that could all change in the next few months, so who knows?
All I can say is, I will be kicking myself in the ass if I don't get to see Grave Digger live... I know our drummer REALLY would like to see them live as well.

Which guy from Ion Vien did you happen to meet? If it was Chris (guitarist), he's a great guy and a good pal... and a damn good drunk at that!!! :worship:
This is another reason I'd like to go to the 6-pack!
