Graveland Drunemeton
Forever Plagued Records FPR016 April 2007
By Wayward_Son
The year 1992 was an important one for black metal. Certain well-respected bands released album such as Burzum, Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism, and A Blaze in the Northern Sky, as well as famous demos like Wrath of the Tyrant and Yggdrasill. Things were just getting started.
While the flames were literally about to start burning in Norway, a young Polish band released a simple demo, entitled Drunemeton. Not even the Graveland missionary himself, Rob Darken, could know his musical journey would be going strong fifteen years later. A far cry from the current Pagan themed, Hammerheart inspired albums, Drunemeton sounds just as one should suspect. This is cold, raw black metal. Even in this embryonic stage, Darken knew how to create an evil mystique. The slow, brooding aura of some of the songs draped in those eerie keyboards would become the blueprint for countless bands, as well as pinning down that certain Polish black metal sound.
Musically, Drunemeton can safely be compared to the well-known United Aryan Evil (though in a more rudimentary form) by fellow countrymen Fullmoon, released just three years later. This is none more apparent than on Children of the Moon with its croaked vocals on top of pounding drums, and the feeling of walking through a mist-soaked battlefield, not knowing what lies ahead. Other songs of note are The Days of Black Sun and The Dawn Battle.
Faithful Reader, this writer will be honest with you. Drunemeton is in no way essential to the casual listener. Diehard Graveland will want to get their hands on this re-release as it shows the beginnings of one of black metals most important and longest running institutions. Thanks and hails must go to Forever Plagued Records for giving fans the opportunity to hear this lost gem.
Never underestimate Gravelands impact on the scene.
Official Graveland Website
Official Forever Plagued Records Website
Forever Plagued Records FPR016 April 2007
By Wayward_Son

The year 1992 was an important one for black metal. Certain well-respected bands released album such as Burzum, Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism, and A Blaze in the Northern Sky, as well as famous demos like Wrath of the Tyrant and Yggdrasill. Things were just getting started.
While the flames were literally about to start burning in Norway, a young Polish band released a simple demo, entitled Drunemeton. Not even the Graveland missionary himself, Rob Darken, could know his musical journey would be going strong fifteen years later. A far cry from the current Pagan themed, Hammerheart inspired albums, Drunemeton sounds just as one should suspect. This is cold, raw black metal. Even in this embryonic stage, Darken knew how to create an evil mystique. The slow, brooding aura of some of the songs draped in those eerie keyboards would become the blueprint for countless bands, as well as pinning down that certain Polish black metal sound.
Musically, Drunemeton can safely be compared to the well-known United Aryan Evil (though in a more rudimentary form) by fellow countrymen Fullmoon, released just three years later. This is none more apparent than on Children of the Moon with its croaked vocals on top of pounding drums, and the feeling of walking through a mist-soaked battlefield, not knowing what lies ahead. Other songs of note are The Days of Black Sun and The Dawn Battle.
Faithful Reader, this writer will be honest with you. Drunemeton is in no way essential to the casual listener. Diehard Graveland will want to get their hands on this re-release as it shows the beginnings of one of black metals most important and longest running institutions. Thanks and hails must go to Forever Plagued Records for giving fans the opportunity to hear this lost gem.
Never underestimate Gravelands impact on the scene.
Official Graveland Website
Official Forever Plagued Records Website