Instead of being subjected to one of these songs again I would rather: Give myself a Root Canal, Stick my hand in a garbage disposal, Remove my tongue with rusted scissors, and perform Hari Kari.
This "band" is a blight upon this earth.......a blight that will probably rake in millions and become an overnight sensation because, for some reason beyond my comprehension, the general public enjoys lame and distasteful music :Puke:
Wtf guys, I thought this was really good! Stop being so "ooohh booooo, this music isn't good enough for me, I'm too cool for this". These guys work really hard and try to earn their spot in the music business. How can you come down so hard at them? They've got talent, they've got song writing skills, they have probably went to music universities to be able to pull all that off. Imagine how many song lessons they must've been taking to manage all that! And the music theory that is needed to put together those beats and awesome synth sounds, and to manage the melodies that play in harmony with each other.


LEAVE brokenCYDE ALONE!!!!!!!

(see what I just did there?)

I would much rather get raped by elephants than listening to this. MUCH rather.
They might actually be sound bunch of lads...... fuck it, bunch of scence woofters to me, someone please put a bullet to there dome and pop there wiggs off. Shocking, just utter shocking, fucking silly bolloxs.
Oh, SCENE!! I would've figured it was just a typo if it hadn't been followed by "woofter," which led me to believe it was yet another bit of Brit slang going thoroughly over my head :lol:
This band came to my town and sold out the venue.

In the midst of a weak ass local music scene and no turn outs, they come through and take the place to full capacity......

I have no faith in the human race.
Not to be the smart ass, but if I remember correctly, people were saying similar things about the Beastie Boys back in the early 80s. That being said, this music sounds utterly terrible and makes me feel precisely the opposite of how I feel about my musical skills after watching a Petrucci DVD.
Not to be the smart ass, but if I remember correctly, people were saying similar things about the Beastie Boys back in the early 80s. That being said, this music sounds utterly terrible and makes me feel precisely the opposite of how I feel about my musical skills after watching a Petrucci DVD.

All I was saying about the Beastie Boys in the early 80's was: "This is awesome". :lol:

Okay, make that mid 80's....but still.