Great fucking News


Dec 9, 2003
Is it true? I knew you guys wouldnt stay apart too long... Too good of a band to not be together... Will nate be the vocalist?
Yes, I heard as well - that's crazy. Now you guys aren't signed to MetalBlade though, are you going to remain labelless, or are you going to try to get a new label, or possibly Metal Blade will take you guys back?
Bjorn posted towards the BLABBERMOUTH PRECUM NEWS SHOOT by who knows, not us.

Hey, i'm in this band, and I wouldn't say we are 100% back... yes we are reunited, but its going to be on a a day to day basis. We all have other projects going on as well... and we didn't call it quits after getting "dropped"... We broke up first, and just got released from our metalblade obligations last month.. just thought that should be cleared up.

Merloch said:
Sorry, florida has better strippers. I bet we have a lot more brazilians than you do :tickled:

Brazilians rules :P Theres no metal brazilians over here though, and if there is they are overweight.

But seriously, how much does it cost for a band from the states to make some shows in europe? It must cost a fortune?
If you guys are getting back together like to tour and such, that be sooo awesome, You guys were amongst the first bands I listened to when I started to listen to death metal/black metal 6 months ago.

You guys helped shape my taste in metal.

Best of luck guys, Keepin my fingers crossed