Oh My GOD(was created)...


...Ok I knew that this cd was gonna be good & all, (I basically heard it all live before I bought it), BUT out of the whole thing I have to give the most props to NATE Dogg.
This is EASILY the most fucked up Concept album that I have ever read! It is fucking Awesome of fuck, & makes me wonder how you actually have a Wife. :grin: Women should be afraid of what's rumblin' in that head. :lol:
Fucking Great Concept!!!!!!

anyway, the Sat. show was fun as hell, I pretty much was diggin' all the bands & shit... yaddy yaddy...Bad ass show, & bad ass Album, Now when ya gonna be on the cover of Metal Maniacs? :grin:

Jeremiah :rock: - WHB.
yes Nathan is a freak, writing such blasphemous lyrics! Well anyways, thanks to all the great bands that helped us out last night. It was just the heat i couldn't stand it! It was so fuckin hot playing up there, I'll quit my whining now. Hope to see everyone at the wherehouse on the 20th!
every band member of all the bands probably lost a couple of pounds due to the heat. I definitely had a good time even with the "situation" I was in that has caused total pain the last few days and has prevented me from sitting.

Looking forward to two shows before I head off to Milwaukee, the Nile show and the death/grind fest on the 20th. \m/:eek:
the tours on the front half of week always work best for me because of my work schedule. Jeremiah, are you going to death fest for you can pick up shirts there prior to going to milwaukee.
...if I'm gonna go.
We began recording yesterday(Tues.) & I'll really be involved in the rest of the recording process. I don't wanna waste much time on this, plus any $$ I can save for M.M. I will.

John, You're gonna be at Arch Enemy right(better be), :D but anyway, are you gonna bring some cd's & shirts???
'Cuz I know Parkhurst wants your cd, & I forgot to get $$ from him before I left to the cd release show. So I'll buy a shirt & he'll probably buy a cd.