Oh and I think Bruce can be a right twat with things he says on stage and should keep some of his opinions to himself and if the ozzy crew just threw eggs at him then fine(sharon stated the rest of the band were great blokes so why throw shit at them?),that's fair payback but feckin with maiden's sound just isn't on!
Absoloutely love what I read about Bruce's actions during the tropper. Instead of staying up on the ramps he ran to the front of the stage as the egss began to fly and yelled "This is a fucking British flag, and these colours don't fucking run!"
Classic stuff!!
Absoloutely love what I read about Bruce's actions during the tropper. Instead of staying up on the ramps he ran to the front of the stage as the egss began to fly and yelled "This is a fucking British flag, and these colours don't fucking run!"
Classic stuff!!