FUCK OFF Sharon Osbourne


May 5, 2005
"Just got back to San Diego from Ozzfest in San Bernardino. Ok...highlights and lowlights...

1) Rob Zombie was cool, Shadows Fall and Mudvayne are better live than on CD, Slipknot aren't really my kind of band but they put on an entertaining stage show...lots of strange shit going on.

2) Maiden hit the stage to thundering applause, despite the fact that they are the ONLY mainstage band NOT to be introduced by some guy that comes on stage...and despite the fact that the idiot is screaming "Ozzy...Ozzy...Ozzy" as Maiden's intro tape (Doctor Doctor) is playing.

3) Some prick is throwing eggs up on the stage. It doesn't occur to me till later, but this person HAD to be planted in the audience, because there is NO WAY any fan could have snuck in 36 fucking eggs. They patted us down so good, I felt like asking for a cigarette afterwards.

4) Bruce is in fine rant form (got 5 or so tonight...LOL), and mentions how Maiden will never be on the radio, or MTV...or reality tv shows. He also mentions that they're supposed to do a shortened 55 minute set tonight, but just like someone sang that they can't drive 55, they can't PLAY 55....they're going to play their full show.

5) Maybe 30 seconds or so before TPOTO is to end, the PA cuts out. A minute or two later, it's back on an they go into RTTH. This happens again 2-3 times the rest of the night. Once near the end of HBTN, and the crowd is so into it, we all decide to help Maiden finish the song anyway. We sang the rest of it for them, as we could just barely hear their stage monitors going.

6) In spite of all the problems with the planted egg thrower, the "Ozzy...Ozzy..." asshole, and someone pulling the fucking PA plug, the band are on FIRE, and are determined to give us the best show possible. There was no big Eddie during the song Iron Maiden, just the walk on Eddie. Is this how it was at the other Ozzfest shows?

7) Maiden come back out for their encore, and Bruce says that the band is back out there for one reason, and one reason only...after all the bullshit...it for us...the fans. They put on a fucking killer encore, and the crowd was fucking totally into it.

Maiden are on stage still, and taking their bows...and this cocksucker starts the "Ozzy...Ozzy...Ozzy..." shit through the PA system again. Well, almost IMMEDIATELY, seemingly the entire crowd starts chanting "Maiden...Maiden...Maiden..." over the guy....over and over....and we drowned that mother fucker out! Bruce was up there like an orchestra conductor, waving his arms as we chanted MAIDEN...MAIDEN!

9) The band aren't off the stage 10 seconds, when that cunt Sharon Osbourne comes out and tells us she needs us quiet just for a moment. She proceeds to tell us how they love Iron Maiden and think they're cool...but then says that Bruce Dickinson is a real prick, and has been disrespecting Ozzfest from day one. That's all I heard out of the bitch, cause we all immediately went back into "Maiden...Maiden...Maiden!" and she was completely drowned out after that.

10) I looked at my brother and said "Let's get the fuck outta here", and he nodded too. All the way out, we chanted "Maiden...Maiden"...and "Bruce...Bruce..."...and the crowd all along, chanted right with us.

11) Walking out the gates, we quickly noticed that we were FAR from alone...as a large mass of people were leaving right with us. Common statements made by others were, "Fucking bitch, Sharon...fuck her". I think she overestimated her popularity...LOL. All she ended up doing was thinning out the crowd of a large LARGE number of Maiden fans. Good fucking riddance, too!

It was best that we left anyway....since no band should ever go on after Maiden. I will never....NEVER spend another fucking cent on ANYTHING Ozzy does, unless he ever decides to stop being led around by the nose, by that fucking bitch, Sharon.

All that being said....I'll repeat that in SPITE of all that went on, Maiden put on a great fucking show, with what they had to deal with...and the crowd returned the love...and then some."
I´m quite speechless after listening to it...there's no way that bitch could get away with this...Bruce Dickinson kicks ass.
This FUCKING rules!

I've been in such a Maiden mood recently and am fucking stoked this happened!

My respect for Bruce has just sky rocketed too. Bruce could have walked off but, despite $haron's best effors to humiliate him, he decided to stay whilst alerting the fans as to what was really going on.

Great stuff.

I hope that Maiden don't drop off the tour but wait for Sharon to boot them off.
It sounds like these antics were all staged by Sharon Osborne and thats really appaling on her behalf if she had anything to do with the guy in the crowd throwing eggs at Maiden and turning off their PA 3 or 4 times while the band was playing. And that guy chanting Ozzy! Ozzy! over the PA while Maidens intro music is playing and then at the end of Maidens set while Bruce was saying goodnight to the crowd..what a total fucking asshole!
They actually switched off Maidens PA while they were playing!, thats unbelievable that Osborne would allow that to happen to her headlining act. Shes only doing a disservice to Maiden, their fans and Ozzfest by doing this.
"About 10 minutes before Maiden came on, I was in the center of the pit a few feet from the front railing when a guy comes barging in from the right escorting 4 or 5 people. At first, I tell him to F-off because I thought he was trying to take my spot, but he said he worked for Ozzfest and showed me his passes. He also told me that Ozzy's daughter was with the entourage he brought with him. There were a few girls with him and one of them looked a little like Kelly Osbourne, but I couldn't tell for sure because all of them were wearing bandanas over their noses and mouths. After I heard her speak I was pretty sure. At that point, I tapped her on her arm and said, "I really liked you on the show. You were great.", to which she responded, "Thank you." There was no doubt at that point. The bodyguard who came with them starting getting chumy with us because he needed a few of us to help him protect the girls from the moshing that would start when Maiden came on. I saw the girls passing eggs, and I said, "What's that for?" The bodyguard said something to the effect, "You'll see. Something big is going down. You'll hear about it everywhere after tonight. It's all because Bruce Dickinson made some comments in Detroit dissing the Osbournes reality TV show." He also said that there were about 60 people in the pit who were going to participate in the mayhem. Most of them were wearing the same Ozzfest shirts. Before Maiden came on, they all started chanting "Ozzy, Ozzy..." I actually saw Bruce off to the left of the stage before they came on. His mike was on and he said something like, "What the fuck?"--probably in response to the "Ozzy" chanting. When Maiden came on, eggs started flying and all these guys were flipping off the band. Nicko had to stop after one song to clean his set. Bruce was obviously very pissed. Thank God they continued their set. At one point, someone through a cup of corn with milk or something. It got all over Bruce, me, and about a dozen other people. Then the technical problems started. The sound went out on about three songs--"Phantom of the Opera", "Hallowed Be Thy Name", and one other one I can't remember. I could not believe what was going on. I was furious because I didn't want the guys in Maiden to think badly of the fans who love them. I do think that Bruce understood because the band continued to play the full set, and Bruce made comments to distinguish the fans there from the guys throwing stuff. Towards the end of the set, Bruce started yelling at a guy in the pit to my left about 10 feet. Bruce said he saw him throwing stuff and wanted the fucker out. It took a long time for security to get him out. The reason why is that one guy from Kelly Osbourne's entourage was holding down the guy security was trying to take out. Eventually security pulled both of them out. After Maiden's set, it was obvious that Sharon Osbourne was in on it, because she came out to say that "Bruce Dickinson is a prick.""
fuelee2004 said:
It sounds like these antics were all staged by Sharon Osborne and thats really appaling on her behalf if she had anything to do with the guy in the crowd throwing eggs at Maiden and turning off their PA 3 or 4 times while the band was playing. And that guy chanting Ozzy! Ozzy! over the PA while Maidens intro music is playing and then at the end of Maidens set while Bruce was saying goodnight to the crowd..what a total fucking asshole!
They actually switched off Maidens PA while they were playing!, thats unbelievable that Osborne would allow that to happen to her headlining act. Shes only doing a disservice to Maiden, their fans and Ozzfest by doing this.

I agree. I'm 90% sure this was all just a joke that even Iron Maiden was in on. But you've got to admit, the few of us who think it is can sit bgack and enjoy the fact this has outraged the metal community and made us rally around Maiden. Plus, you've got to admit, this is GREAT PR for Maiden in the US! Now they can't say they don't get enough press here. :)

Also, I plan on doing an all-Maiden show tonight at 7PM EST-10PM EST. I will play all the sound clips from the show, as well re-create certain moments from the show, namely the opening. :)
This makes me fucking sick... as much as there were always "friendly wars" between my fellow metalheads in high school and I regarding who was the greatest band, there was always a level of respect for each other and the bands they loved. Even the "Joey-vs-John" threads on this board, for the most part, still show some level of respect, with the exception of the occasional troll.

It sure seems like Sharon Osbourne can't stand the fact that she's not the queen bitch of the show, and that Ozzy may be - God forbid - getting too old to live the rock lifestyle. (Hell, I think the Stones should pack it in myself - but that's just me.) It sure sounds like Iron Maiden were sabotaged - and it's gonna be the fans like us who suffer, 'cause Maiden isn't going to want to put up with this shit. (Who can blame them?)

I've met a few members of Maiden in my time, and had a brief phone conversation with Bruce regarding an interview he wasn't aware I had to cancel out of - and everyone I've ever dealt with in Maiden have been very nice. I'm really sorry to see that some assholes would stoop so low to ruin what sounded like a great show.

If anyone on the board has the connections, here's a message to Bruce and the other members of Maiden: please don't let a few meatheads (not to mention the whole inbred Osbourne clan) shape your opinions about American audiences. So sorry that this happened to you - but please know there's more of us Maiden fans than there are the pussies who try to upstage you or embarrass you.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox...
This thread rules! Thanks for the MP3s. I listened to it and I still can't believe it! What a $tupid $elfish cunt $he is.

Thank GOD Iron Maiden came to Colorado off of Ozzfe$t.
Hahaha! Sweet! GO BRUCE! GO IRON MAIDEN! I'll be it was grating on Sharon that her husband was getting blown off the stage every night by the opening band. LOL. That and Maiden is still putting out kick ass records. I sure hope Maiden felt the love from the American fans and does another tour of the US.
as much as I can't stand bruce and his idiotic comments, shauron needs to be run over by angry elephants.

As for Rob zombie, if you want to say that your drummer faking it as being cool, they were super cool. I can't believe it. I hadn't seen him since the white zombie much better days. His drummer was so far off from the actual beats that it made me think that Jessica simpson's sister does a better job at faking her music.
While I don't wish death on Sharon Osbourne I do think her behavior was certainly uncalled for. I wonder what Bruce said, though, that ticked her off so badly. I can't believe that him making comments about their reality show or even slacking a bit in his touring would cause her to take such drastic retaliation. I don't know, sounds like we are missing a huge piece of the puzzle to me. While it doesn't make Sharon's actions right, I also think its odd for Bruce to make derrogatory comments about the Osbournes when you are on the Ozzfest tour, but that's just me.
I was there in San Bernadino last night!

This was the most immature, disrespectful thing I have EVER witnessed in my life. IN fact it was a major security risk caused by person who created the event $haron Ossbourne.

She not only let it happen, but ENCOURAGED and supplied the audience with foreign objects to throw at the band members while on stage. This happening on DIMEBAG's birthday. That day when Dimebag got killed on stage changed everything. Now Sharon is supplying audience members with shit to throw on stage??? She even sent "Big Dave" (That cock sucker that wears the Black Label Society vest) on stage DURING maidens set, with red body paint and "don't fuck with ozzy" written on his body. For all we knew that guy could have had a gun. I was seriouslly scared for the band at that point.

Then I was terrified when $haron forcefully had the sound cut out. With 50K drunk people in attendance you could imagine the Riot that could happen. This was all intentionally done by $haron Ossbourne.

This stupid cunt not only needs to be killed she needs a nice fat lawsuit before she dies to rid her of anything.


Props to Iron Maiden for not stopping the show.

Sharons game plan was to get Maiden to quit the show so that the press could write: "IRON MAIDEN GETS BOO'D OFF STAGE IN USA" but it backfired on that bitch. Iron Maiden kept going and played the full set despite all of $harons antics.