FUCK OFF Sharon Osbourne

johnnieCzech said:
Arg Hamster...you definitely haven't had the Ozzfest spirit...

I know...

I want to give a big thank you to everyone here for making this board as fun as it is. Except johnnieCzech, he´s a prick. The only one of 200 people here, he has not embraced the reunion spirit and we... no... wait, listen to me... he has... could you please let me finish...

powerwolve said:
hard to see for her that she is not number #1 anymore

She was #1? She has the mentality of #2, if ya know what I mean. :yuk:
What an immature bitch, that stunt is so high schoolish, dont ya think. Dickinson shoulda came back out when she was flaming him and dropped kicked her into the crowd. This is the kind of immature bullshit that gives metal a bad name and puts the bands and the fans in danger of being hurt. Someone hang the bitch.
Arg_Hamster said:
I know...

I want to give a big thank you to everyone here for making this board as fun as it is. Except johnnieCzech, he´s a prick. The only one of 200 people here, he has not embraced the reunion spirit and we... no... wait, listen to me... he has... could you please let me finish...

:lol: :lol:
I'm laughing my ass off!!
Arg_Hamster said:
*Replaces johnnieCzech with Velvet Revolver.*
C'mon, people, let's keep the pressure on the bitch... if that jagbag Pat Robertson can back-pedal from his comments about assassinating a world leader after only two days, metal fans can get this twat to realize she fucked up BIG time, and apologize to Maiden and their fans.

Saw on the message boards at fucksharon.com that someone' planning on picketing Thursday's show... this oughta be good. Wish I was in Dallas to see how $haron and her goons would try to stop them.
sharon osbourne just manufactures pop bands .......she has nothing to do with metal.......

in england she is the face of asda, a cheap low quality supermarket, now owned by walmart.....that says it all.....

let get back to pop idol or whatever its called.......her "rock" entry last year was a fuckin disgrace

still she be balling her eyes out, next time kelly gets egged, bottled and booed off whatever stage she is creaking the boards on
ThraxDude said:
She's probably not good at that. I bet she just lies there like a dead cow.

Ozzy almost killed Sharon a long time ago when he was high. Too bad he didn't finish the job! *Napolean Dynamite voice* IDIOT!
That was great!!!!
aliasp said:
Oh and to the BLS boys who helped egg and run on stage against the MIGHTY MAIDEN. You knobs!

Zak you may be a great guitarist but you aint within spitting distance of Adrian and Davo from Maiden mate!

I don't think Zakk had anything to do with this. I read somewhere, maybe here on this thread I can't remember but Zakk had some family in town that night and he left the venue right after the BLS set. I also read that "Big Dave" works for the Osbournes not BLS. Not sure if all this is true. I would love it if Zakk Publicly told Sharon to fuck off and never has anything to do with Suckfest again.
Frankieebotz said:
I would love it if Zakk Publicly told Sharon to fuck off and never has anything to do with Suckfest again.

Ain't gonnna happen - Zakk also publicly stated he had a problem with Bruce "disrespecting America" (paraphrasing his words, not mine) as well as the godfather of his kid.

Besides the fact that he's $haron's mouthpiece now, why hasn't Ozzy said anything about this shit? Someone keeping him locked in the living room watching Ren & Stimpy cartoons, so he has no concept of the real world?
dailyvault said:
Ain't gonnna happen - Zakk also publicly stated he had a problem with Bruce "disrespecting America" (paraphrasing his words, not mine) as well as the godfather of his kid.

What can You excpect from that fucking red neck anyways???
Fuck zack wylde..
Imo Sharon was just being Sharon: A fucking DISGRACE! It's awesome that Maiden kept playing, to spite that bitch, and not let the fans down. What she did just shows how immature, classless, and cowardly she is. If she had a problem with Bruce, take it up with management or confront the guy yourself. Don't attempt to ruin the gig for the fans who paid to see the band they love perform. I guess that why she has her bitches do all the dirty work, 'cause she's to gutless to do it herself!