Great MORRIGAN news (J. click here)


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

The rerelease of the Mayhemic Truth "In Memoriam" CD with the complete "Promotape '94" as bonus will be out in Jan./Feb. via I Hate Rec.

The first part of the Westwall Prod. - tapecollection will be out in December. We'll start with the Mayhemic Truth "1992 - 1994 / R.I.P." (this is the first oficial and remastered version of the bootleg "R.I.P." that came out via Sombre Rec. back in 1999) and the rest (Mayhemic Truth "In Memoriam", Morrigan "Plague, Waste & Death", Morrigan "Enter The Sea Of Flames" and Morrigan "Celts") fill follow in intervals of 1 - 2 month.
ahhhh, OK. fucking awesome. I saw the original once on eBay, and it went for around $21. I've been searching for this since I frst heard Morrigan.
hehe, I'm as giddy as a school boy looking at his first pair of boobs. from I Hate Records:

"...Back in 1992 two Bathory-Freaks named Beliar (git.) und Balor (dr.) came up with the idea to form a band to express their musical vision and Mayhemic Truth was born... One year later they recorded their the first Demo "Son of dawn" which came out in a limited edition of 100 copies. After the release of the demo Beliar und Balor recruited Lilith on bass and wrote the songs for the second demo simply called "Promotape '94". When the Promotape was out Mayhemic Truth got the chance to support the "Sons of Northern Darkness" Tour in Germany. Shortly after the tour Lilith left the band and Beliar and Balor did some gigs as a duo. In 1995 Mayhemic Truth entered the studio to record their 7" EP "Cythraw" which came out on Folter Rec. After the release of the 7" a tour with Countess, Mortuary Drape and Drowned followed, then a gig at the first "Under the Black Sun" Open Air in Brohm, and the first "Fuck Christmas" Festival in Berlin.
One year later, in 1996, Mayhemic Truth entered the studio again to record their 3rd demo called "Demo '96". After the recordings Mayhemic Truth did some more gigs and in May '97 the band split up...
...2 years later Iron Pegasus Rec. came up with the idea to re-release the 7" EP and the Demo '96 as the "In Memoriam" CD/LP/Pic..."
(The above excerpt is taken from MORRIGAN's web site. MORRIGAN being the new band of the two main men behind MAYHEMIC TRUTH.)
I HATE are now proud to announce the enhanced re-release of the fantastic In Memoriam CD. The new version will contain six bonus tracks, five from the "Promotape 94" and one track previously only available on the vinyl version of "In Memoriam". The songs have also been re-mastered. This CD is a must for everyone into true Viking Metal with the right, ancient feel to it. BATHORY fans take heed! Christians take cover!
I just visited the label's site and they don't seem to carry it (Or I'm blinder than a dead worm) but I did order three Nocternity releases after very little looking into them.

EDIT: Apparently it's not out quite yet, that explains it.
hey, I might need one of you Europa dudes to buy me the Mayhemic Truth re-release, in case Red Stream, Metal Centre, Deathgasm, and Moribund don't get it in. I'll pay you back full price plus whatever postage costs you might have.
Split up again, eh? A shame, really. Now all we need is for Mindrot to get back together, release an album, and split up again. And no, Eyes of Fire doesn't count. :yuk:

First of all an apology aimed at all the people that’s been waiting so long for this release: we are truly sorry! Due to circumstances beyond our control we haven’t been able to deliver this fantastic release until now. Rest assured though that this ”little” delay has been as frustrating for us as for you… Anyway, now it really is here soon, the re-release of the much wanted MAYHEMIC TRUTH - In Memoriam CD enhanced with “Promotape 94”. 14 tracks in all on 64 minutes! In Memoriam is a must for everyone into true Viking Metal with the right, ancient feel to it! One of the best German bands ever, nowadays known as MORRIGAN!
The track list for MAYHEMIC TRUTH - In Memoriam CD:

Intro, Lady Morgaine, When Thousand Candles Cry, Morrigan, Carrion Of War, Fire And Ice, Conspiracy Of The Golden Angels, Bluot Era Hathu, Cythraw, Hymn Of The Crow, And Only The Flames Remember To Long Forgotten Cries, God In Ruins (Your Blood Is Like An Ocean), Our Gateway Is An Rainbow, The Child Of Mayhem


this is more or less aimed at THanatopsis and Erik and footbalm