Great New Band!!!

I wish it was as easy over here as it is over there to be noticed for having talent, but America's younger music scene has been dominated by fake overrated no talent kids that hop around stage like they have some mental condition, screaming and cutting their wrists. But ya know...whatever. :lol:

great band by the way. Im looking forward to hearing some more stuff from those guys. Im sure they'll get somewhere in no time with talent like that.
They're from Vaasa. It was mighty good fun seeing them struggle through their songs live. Not so much fun hearing them though. Also great fun watching them disappear after their set leaving other people (who I assume were their parents - not roadies!) to get their shit off the stage... while the headlining band (Swallow the Sun) was needing to set up.

Anyone remember when Def Leppard released "On Through The Night"?
Didn't they (their record company) make a big deal about how young they were? This stuff sounded ok, not something that I would rush to buy, or download.....
Yeap I picked this up along with Ari Koivunen - Fuel For The Fire.

Really good......Whatever is in the water in Finland would they please bring it to the USA shores?

My God the music scene there is amazing.