Great Show Last Night!

Thanks man, glad you liked the show and the bands. I couldn't hear shit all on stage so it was ALMOST like playing air guitar. Somone has to learn how to use the monitors better!! :) Next time we play, I should tilt my amp back so it's aimed right at my face!! What did you (or anyone else who picked up a copy) think of the Oberon CD??

I liked the Cd alot. I have heard live versions of most of the songs but hearing the studio versions was great! They came out a lot heavier than I expected. The packaging was also great and the cover was awesome! :)

All in all a great release! Great work!!
i also seem to be one of the many that diddnt get to see all of the show...we(rapid burial) had to bring or gear back to the spot so we missed every thing after oberon. :cry: so what started the fight??? i know darryl`s antics on stage are a bit much but they were that bad eh?? but any ways...OBERON did a great job and so did everyone else i saw.
theres a all ages show coming up on the 14th @calios. all the have yet to be confirmed...but so far it`s rapid burial & slag and yes... the scene is looking good.

I left early too... too fucked to go back.:)

Jesse, you're a mad man, playing drums like that AND singing on top. Impressive!
bah, everyone's entitled to a fuck up or two. Sounded great from the floor, so screw it!
But you better get it right next time!:mad: :lol: