Greatest comeback I've ever made


Señor Member
Mar 14, 2009
New York City
So, I was hanging out with my friends. Just talking and stuff. So, eventually this chick from my school and her sisters or something pass us by, and one of them is pushing a baby carraige. You could tell they were all whores. The strangely had on the same makeup too:Red lipstick, black lipliner, Blue eye shadow. Looked like Hookers from hell. And that chick I mentioned said to one of her sisters, blatantly, "See those dreads, those are gross". So I say to my friends "Hey look, an illiegitimate child." Because my town is known for being Douchebag and Whore central in my county. We all point and laugh. So fucking satisfying.
Awesome! Props for standing against whores >:O

Now look at mine, lawl:

my greatest comeback, was after i broke up with my gf, i cameback to her house in her sleep and i stab her in the face
So, I was hanging out alone. Wishing I had friends and stuff. So, eventually this chick from my school and her sisters or something pass us by, and one of them is pushing a baby carraige. You could tell they were all whores. The strangely had on the same makeup too:Red lipstick, black lipliner, Blue eye shadow. Looked like Hookers from hell. And that chick I mentioned said to one of her sisters, blatantly, "See those dreads, those are gross". So I just continued eating my lunch at school by myself at an empty table. I then thought of the perfect come back and posted it here. Fuck my life, really, just fuck my horribly life.

The best comeback would be to call them an incoherent babbly name (Like Chelsea the Cock Chomper... or Betty Ballsack Bonanza), then tell them to take the nearest bus to Fuckoff Central
:lol: One time one of my friends said to me that metal is the music of retards.....told him to stfu before i do something really fucked up he told me to shut up

Stopped the Car
threw him on the side of the road
Closed the Door
Drove away
he had to walk a 2 hour worth drive home :)
The greatest comeback I ever made was when I was ten; my friend kept pissing me off so I hit him over the head with a chair.
