Greatest living (or dead) humans

I'm sorry mate I did'nt make the rules, I'm just doing me job and bilbo is disqualified.

the first post clearly states human, living or dead. Now, are going to leave it at that, all civil like or do I have to get mega to delete your post for being off topic?? :D

I mean if people start nominating non living non human entitities we could have shergar, peter pan, god , gods mother, lassie being nominated. Is that wot you want?? coozz that what'll 'appen!!!
yeah i figured that out :lol:

but i don't have a moustache and i never get angry so i'm still kinda different from the turkish standard :grin:
Originally posted by ashure doesn't have to be anyway...

So you missed the drama of a few months ago then... :lol: Lucky you.

My guys/girls:

Oscar Wilde
Victor Hugo
Friedrich Nietzsche
Nelson Mandela
All in Katatonia
All in Anathema....
Originally posted by without

ashure and me, we're living in the "country of hairy men"...
we need something different...

am ý rigth ashure?

hahahahaha right..I'm sick of it really.especially these days I feel like I can "eat" (:p) every blondie in the whole world.but no more "dark heads" pls! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by ashure

hahahahaha right..I'm sick of it really.especially these days I feel like I can "eat" (:p) every blondie in the whole world.but no more "dark heads" pls! :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

ý can give u some blondies phone number if u want ;) ;)
or lets go to sweden they are all blond, like paradise ...

:lol: :p