Greatest living (or dead) humans

Originally posted by pagan2002

hey dont you live in the same place as the air show disaster last week? that was the most brutal thing i saw on the TV since september last year.
yes, luckily i wasn't there... and none of the people i know were there too.
These are my heroes:

* Steve Harris (Maiden's number one, his songs aaaargh)
* Jimmy Page & Robert Plant / and Robert Fripp (they layed the fundaments to metal)
* Aaron Stainthorpe (a lot of good lyrics are from his hand if you ask me)
* Max Cavalera (ok the last one isn't that good :cry: or perhaps I'm getting into proper stuff :guh: )
* Anathema (best band ever...)
* Waters & Gilmour (ok, lot will say Gilmour sucks :goggly: but he was also a part of those legendary albums..., and he really can play the guitar...)
* Good ol' Metallica (is there any who disagree? I never met someone who dislikes master of puppets :) )
* and other ones too, but these are the most important for me...
Originally posted by Don Corleone
being a devoted kemalist, of course i'll mention this name above all:
mustafa kemal ataturk
If you ask me only few are the politicians who don't suck...
my picks:

The Dalai Lama
Nelson Mandella

others, non philosophical:
David Gilmour
Roger Waters
Sam Raimi
John Petrucci
Spinal Tap (how can you deny it?)
Freddie Mercury (that man was put on this earth to sing!)

and of course...
my parents

that's it for now
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Martin Luther King
- Stephen Hawking (despite running of with his nurse)
- Stevie Ray Vaughn
- Jimi hendrix
- Gabriel Dante Rossetti
- Everyone else that has contributed beauty, creativity and intelligence to this world, wether it be science, art or music