Greece gigs

Originally posted by Melancholia
(fb@Hur är det?? Jag ska PMa dig imorgon eller på söndag :) )

Tack så mycket, det är ganska bra :)
Jag skulle pma dig men jag glömde det :s

PS. If there really is going to be a concert in Greece then buy 2 tickets and i'll jet over to ya ;)
Originally posted by Hobo
nu blir jag förvirrad...
en grek och en tysk som pratar svenska?!?

Swedish is getting an international language:)
All these people learning Swedish, could it be because you have in Sweden so many amazing bands?:D
well.. "is" is pretty hard to translate..
in swedish it means two things...
what you are trying to say is "B.S ÄR en slyna"
what you said is "B.S Exists a bitch.."
you can translate is to both "är" and "finns".. it depends on the circmstanses.... (is that how it is spelled??)