to ANDERS........ (no one else)

noooooo,they've not played here yet :waah: :waah:
they were to play back in June 98 with amorphis and a couple of other bands,but this fest was cancelled *old wounds*

katatonia,.,yup it is some kind of disease...and in some cases a symptom of schizofrenia....from what i've read (which is not much :grin: ) people with katatonia are said to stay without moving in weird body-positions for many hours ....

and oooooops,I'm not Anders,I'm Mel :grin:
Damn Melancholia that would have opened a huge wound for me as well. When I found out that DT wasn't gonna make it to North America due to their funding problems last year, that almost killed me, cause I've been waiting so long. I couldn't imagine missing both Katatonia and Amorphis at the same time, and whoever was playing with them.

Ouch :cry: