Green Carnation Tonight!!! (2/27/06)

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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I am really looking forward to this show tonight. The Acoustic Verses album is quite amazing and I am anxiously looking forward to hearing the music live. Anyone else heading to the NYC show at Knitting Factory tonight?
I wish I could...
God damn late show. It starts at 10 PM. And I mean the opener.

Plus, it'd be the fucking 3rd show in 4 days. I need to get back to my school work =\. Damn university!
Oh man what a show. If anyone doesn't know, the knitting factory is small and the venue only held 140. So everything was really upclose and personal. Beyond the Embrace started off the night because the opener was a no show. This would be the second time I have seen them and they continue to be excellent live. Unfortunately they lost one of their guitarists to scientology, so they had to replace him little blue box to harmonize with lead guitar.

Green Carnation went on right after, tuning their instruments and such and talking to each other in what sounded like gibbrish but naturally was Norwegian (I wish my dad could have taught me to speak the language). Unfortunately the acoustic guitars did not arrive from Oslo by the time of the show so they could only play their electric stuff, but they liked NY so they more or less promised to come back and do an all acoustic show.

I can't give all of the set list due to my lack of familiarity with The Quiet Offspring, but I will do my best to recollect.

In no particular order (correct me if I forgot something):
The Quiet Offspring
Purple Door Pitch Black
Dead But Dreaming
Crushed to Dust
Writings on the Wall
Myron and Cole
Light of Day, Day of Darkness (half of it)
Lullaby In Winter

Don't count on this list when you go to the show in your area, it will change every time.
Soul of Ice said:
Beyond the Embrace started off the night because the opener was a no show. This would be the second time I have seen them and they continue to be excellent live. Unfortunately they lost one of their guitarists to scientology, so they had to replace him little blue box to harmonize with lead guitar.

Didn't he see the South Park scientology episode? *shakes head sadly*

I can't give all of the set list due to my lack of familiarity with The Quiet Offspring, but I will do my best to recollect.

In no particular order (correct me if I forgot something):
The Quiet Offspring
Purple Door Pitch Black
Dead But Dreaming
Crushed to Dust
Writings on the Wall
Myron and Cole
Light of Day, Day of Darkness (half of it)
Lullaby In Winter

Don't count on this list when you go to the show in your area, it will change every time.

Shucks, if I see them in Augusta they'd better play part of LoD, DoD, or.....There Will Be Trouble. :tickled:

Heck, we've actually played the whole song on FM radio here......twice. Not too many stations or cities in the US can make that claim. :wave:
I'll be seeing them tonight in Cleveland (Kent)!

EDIT: on second thought, I won't be going. I find it hard to get myself pumped up to go see a show 45 minutes away, when I'm only barely familiar with the bands playing (although I like all the GC I've heard), when I know for a fact that I also won't know anyone at the show.