Green Carnation...

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
Anyone heard this band??? I just heard them yesterday, and I was shocked at the sheer greatness of their music!!! Imagine Agalloch mixed with Opeth, mixed with Vintersorg, mixed with Primordial, mixed with BMD era Katatonia.......What do you get????

The one song I've heard by them!!!!:lol:

YEah, i've only heard one song ("Light of Day, Day of Darkness"), but that is exactly what it sounds like. And I've already got the CD coming in the mail, it's so good!:heh:

From what I've gathered, they have a member(s) of In the woods....I highly suggest this band to anyone who is slightly interested in the above bands!!!
Yeah, Green Carnation is fantastic. Essential for any In The Woods fans (think of a heavier version of them), not surprising since X Botteri wrote most of the music by both bands. He's left now, though :(. But the other guitarist from ITW has joined :). Don't know the song you mention though, it's not on 'Journey to the end of the night' (which is supposedly their only album, if you don't count their demo from '91 or whenever it was). :err:

The next album is the one for Opeth fans, it's gonna be 1 track, 60 minutes :eek:
I don't know this song....
I only have their debut "Journey to the end of the night"....which is superb :) and has kept me a wonderful time through my gloomy hours....
What I particularly like in Green Carnation is that they seem to be very passionate in what they are doing... This is pretty obvious if you listen to their CD.... The music comes straight from their heart....
I am so impreesed...... passionate true music :D
I am waiting for the next work.... :hotjump:
"Light of Day, Day of Darkness" is the one & only song from the forthcoming album, same titled, timing over 60 minutes.
It is already out?!
Well, there is nothing about it on Prophecy website, their label that released their previous "Journey to the End of the Night"...
From Prophecy site:
"19-11-01 Green Carnation 'Light of day, day of darkness' Cd"

So five days to go... :)
Originally posted by Demonspell
Anyone know where I can hear this band, because I'm really impressed with the In The Woods material I've heard, especially Seeds Of A New Dimension and 299796 km/s...

I found the whole album on audiogalaxy. Just look up the CD at and search for the tracks one by one on It's a pain in the ass, but well worth it. Now if I can only find the CD for a decent price, that would be something.