Greetings, everyone


like this with the devil
Feb 12, 2005
Hi name is Natasha (Tash for short), and I moved to Stockholm from Cape Town, South Africa (but I am half Italian, and half Belgian. I know. It's complicated.). I am a sound engineer, vocalist, freelance writer/journalist, and proofreader for a Swedish site. I have come here mainly for the Opeth forums, but I see there are MANY to browse around in.

I love many kinds of music, from death metal, grindcore and strange avant-garde stuff to dark lounge music and early Italian giallo soundtracks, trip-jazz, and strange electronica...basically anything with a brain that's superbly done. Just about. :tickled:

Look forward to talking to you!
Hey natasha, how are u doing, my name is danie and we have a grind core band called asfixia, we live in ecuador south america, if u wanna listen to it please contact me, you may get into it if you like grind death.
Thatmight be a good idea, since I can review it for the Swedish site I proof and write for. I don't want to spam this board with details of that site, since that might be considered rude, so I'll PM you a bit later (writing an article right now...or rather...supposed to be...What I'm really doing is farting around the internet, putting off working so that my deadline bites my ass and I stress like an idiot. As usual. I just can't write otherwise. But now I really GOTta work, so I'll PM you when I'm done. hahahah.).

And thanks for the welcome.