Greetings from another Generation

¿Whats the dilli yo? THats too bad about the endorsments. DO they even have commericals anymore? THey should know talent when they see it. Make a guiness commerical on your own. Just comprise it of home video, concert footage and end with Joe slammin' a Guiness, then show the guiness can w/ logo or slogan. Then do one of those surprise endings after the logo with Joe saying, "This guy here..... THIS IS THE GUY!" That would be November's Doom-Tastic. :worship: Man, Guiness is racist. HA HA

p.s. let me direct, or give me footage so me and Leo can edit it together. :kickass:
Correct, you are my man. THats why you're.... you, and those guys are... everyone else. Tell Joe that my brother Leo and I want to come the record release party. Booyah. :cool:

p.s. Larry, I can call you Larry right? Add a "the End" link for your personal site and lose the "Dark Symphonies" one. OK, Adios. FIght the good fight. :devil:
haha wow I forgot about my personal site, I havent updated that in like two years or something! And yes I suppose I ought to add that banner like you said, though I'll leave the other banners up as well.