Greetings from BYPRODUCT


New Metal Member
Sep 27, 2004
Hello everyone,

I am a representative of the band Byproduct, (actually Im the guitar player). So, I thought since we are going to be involved with this Sabbath contest on Rapture Radio, I should come by and introduce the band, and try to get some of your support for the upcoming contest.

We are from St. Louis, MO and are not your typical metal band by any means. I hate trying to classify music (metal especially) but we like call ourselves "progressive speed metal/fusion" The "fusion" part might be hard to tell with out hearing the album as a whole, since we have interludes in between songs, as well as melodic breaks during songs that help create a departure from the straight forward metal.

Hopefully, some of you already have had a chance to hear us on the station before now and found this out, but if you have not, we have links to mp3s directly on our website you can also check out pics, reviews, and other info like that. Please go check it out, and let us know what you think....
