Greetings from Egyptian Metal-Head

The Elemental One

New Metal Member
Dec 2, 2007

My name is Badre El Amir Bally, also called Bobby. I used to live in Egypt but I recently moved to England to live my big bro, I was born in Brighton so I also have the British citizenship. I've been a KISS fan since the early or mid 90's. Paul is my favorite member.

Rock in general is my favorite but I also like Hip Hop, Rap, Pop, Reggae, Slow, Soul, R'N'B, Disco...etc I do like some classical sometimes but not a lot, I'm not too crazy about Techno, but there are songs I like.

Now a few more things about myself, I recieved an American High School Diploma in an Egyptian school called Port Said and have majored in Cinema at my college called IAEMS (International Academy For Engineering And Media Science), my specialty being Script Writing. My hobbies include Writing and Drawing.

Although not mainstream, Heavy Metal has a pretty huge fanbase in Egypt, most of my close friends back home are part of that community and are actually in bands, one of them actually took second place in the best Egyptian Rock band contest on Nile FM, a popular English Music radio station in Egypt and the band's lead singer Samy, one of my buds is considered to be one of the most popular Metal vocalists in our not so big but still huge Metal community.