Greets and Hello James!


You said member...
Mar 23, 2005
Minneapolis, MN USA
Just want to say 'hi' to everyone and James. I've been checking out this forum for, I think, a couple of years it seems. Finally getting around to posting so I can get involved in some of these conversations!

James, I'm a longtime fan and "student." You are definitely a huge influence on my guitar playing. Hell, I learned vibrato from BB King and James Murphy. Just want to say a heartfelt "thank you" for all the great music you've put out thru the years, and look forward to a lot more; I want my kid(s) to grow up listening to you (expecting the first in May)! I've been lucky enough to see you live with Obituary, Disincarnate, Testament, and I think Cancer...did you ever play live with Cancer...? Saw you with Obituary at the Varsity Theater in Minneapolis, MN with I think Carcass, Nocturnus, Napalm Death, and a few others...maybe Sadus, too. Wow, long time ago! I remember you warming up on stage and playing the most incredible licks...

I caught you at the Milwaukee Metalfest with Disincarnate. One great memory I have is before the show, you sat down on your corner of the stage and talked to a few us us for like 10 minutes. Made my day, that's for sure. And, I saw you with Testament, maybe a couple of times. Incredible show(s) and playing as always.

I'm sure I'm speaking for everyone here when I say we are happy as hell you are slowly but surely regaining your health. You have some serious courage and we are all behind you.

Got a couple of questions. First, will you ever be posting your old Guitar Player columns? I have a couple of them, but would love to complete the collection. Second, I think it's cool that you are posting more photos. Keep that up if you can! Did you ever think about posting some short vids of you playing? You know, like a quick lesson or just a wank fest... I think a lot of us would learn a lot from actually seeing how you do what you do...

I'll wrap it up for now. Got to get back to work...

Ah, what the hell... I thought some of you guys might dig this. I recently recorded a tune and a friend of mine was kind enough to loan me some web space on his site. Check it out and I hope you enjoy it!

This was my first attempt at recording my own solo material in about 8 years. The recording quality and compositions should get better the more I do it! If you listen close, you might catch a couple James Murphy licks.:worship:

Feel free to peruse his site, too. Fantastic guitar player, very melodic with a high degree of technical skill. Much like our favorite guitar player here.:grin:

For you gear nuts:

1990 Jackson USA Fusion w/EMG's (85/SA/SA)
Peavey Palaedium Bass
Line6 PODxt w/Model Packs
mp3PRO VBR Encoding
