Greets from Iceland


New Metal Member
Feb 23, 2009
What´s up metalfans!

I´ve been listening to metal since I was a kid, thrash, melodic, progressive and death influenced metal are my favorites, I´m also into Icelandic underground metal...Darknote, Beneath, Changer and more.

Horns to you!
Better now, I just hope those responsible will pay for the damage done, we've alreay payed enough.
Better now, I just hope those responsible will pay for the damage done, we've alreay payed enough.

Same thing here in America. They need to pay! But they claim "executive privilege" and hide in their mountain top mansions. But it's all fine as long as they "trickle down" on us. :mad:

Anyway, welcome Fargo! From "the land of the ice and snow" :cool:
"from the land of the ice and snow, the midnight sun, where the hotsprings blow" Most deffenetly Led Zeppelin.

On this forum, go to "old school" and click into "Robert Plant won a few grammy's". Near the end is a link for a fun little film thing featuring that song.
That's a great song and a great band, Robert Plant was here about two years ago, I couldn't make it to the show I was working. I work at an airport and I saw him leave. To me that man is a god..hope he desides to come here again before he gets to old to play a gig. :lol: