grindcore band i recorded recently... bree's and basshitzz

Lotta potential here. Follow through with those suggestions. What did ya use for that sub drop? And is it the same one every time? The first one before the break and the chant didn't distort, but the one immediately after the chant did. Sounds pretty good none-the-less.
Everybody has addressed everything that needs to be done. I would say bring the snare up a little bit.
Other than that, very brutal song! The vocals reminded me of old Despised Icon which is cool to hear.
Man, you're convincing me to use LePou on my band's upcoming demo. No budget to reamp so gonna probably stick with that in opposite to track with our crappy amp (half working bugera 333 we borrow from another band when we can, or our guitarist's cheap Peavey Bandit 112...).

Any info on processing chains?
"get the fuck up!" haha.

this band isn't my thing at all but the mix is pretty good. the cymbals are little crunchy for me and the toms could use some body. i also agree with the guitars having a bit too much gain but that might be what you/the band are going for. which slate samples are you using?
Mix is pretty good agreed there is too much gain crank that snare up... I like the mix for the most part it feels like the vocals need more compression in parts...
"get the fuck up!" haha.

this band isn't my thing at all but the mix is pretty good. the cymbals are little crunchy for me and the toms could use some body. i also agree with the guitars having a bit too much gain but that might be what you/the band are going for. which slate samples are you using?

usin CLA kit as a starting point and then kick10, snare 12a, room ambience from snare 11

The vocals sound weird, even for this style. They sound hollow or something. The band sounds brootal though!

used a sm57 on vox for the first time ever, maybe thats why
His vocals sound shit beacuse there all inhales......... sorry if you like the dude but they arnt good.

Lose the inhales and this would sound loads better man.

Id also bring the vocal down man, seems way to loud for me.....
vocal sound is fucking brutal. middy and thick. \m/ shame the guy fucking sucks