Grip Inc. Incorporated


Carebear stare!
Dec 3, 2003
How good is Grip Inc.'s new album? I heard Skin Trade on the radio and it was really cool. I heard Endowement of Apathy and it was a little cheesy. I'd like to know how good it is before I buy it. I like really heavy disks with at the very fast guitars & fast drumming. Bands like Tetament, Priest, Megadeth, Machine Head, you get the idea. I'm just wondering if this would be a good disk for me.
GoreBlast said:
all grip inc albums have only 1 hit song, a good fast thrashy song, the rest of the album can be flushed down the toilet!
No fucking way. The new Grip, INC. CD isn't their best, but this band is excellent, each CD is worth getting for more than just one song...

Razorhead, I'd get any of their CDs, you'll be OK with them all if you dig the bands you listed...:rock:
Personally, I think Incorporated IS Grip Inc.'s best disc. It has a little of everything including asskickers like "Curse (Of The Cloth)", "Skin Trade", "Privilege", and "Blood Of Saints", but it has other material like the very cool acoustic rocker "Enemy Mind", as well. Great disc. \m/