Ground of Ruin – Visions of Obscurity


Oct 22, 2006
Ground of Ruin – Visions of Obscurity
No label – no barcode – Dec 2006
By Dan Fisher


Ground of Ruin hail from the emerald isle and are launching the new year with Visions of Obscenity, a self released six track demo that is available on their official website. The band play pretty much straight death metal with the odd melodic lead guitar line added for texture. Although Ireland isn’t particularly famous for having a great metal scene, I am happy to report that the infection has not only spread across the water but is positively festering away under the noses of the people that brought us Westlife and Boyzone.

The album is actually not too bad but sadly it’s let down by the production values. There is simply no real bite to any of the parts; the guitars are muddy, the vocals too far back in the mix and the kick drum sounds like a wet fish slapping away. In addition to this, the structures need working out in more detail on some of the songs. There is a definite loss of tension where the parts either go on too long or don’t build properly. It’s a hard thing to put your finger on but at the moment the band don’t have it. One thing I did like was the vocals. Dave Hynes has a good growl and I would urge the band to maximise his delivery in the mix. They also need to work on the technicality of the rhythm sections as the guitar parts aren’t very impressive currently. That said, they certainly don’t suck and I would be happy to watch them as a warm up band to someone bigger. Hopefully Ground of Ruin will be ambitious enough to look at their weaknesses and work hard to make a kick ass album soon.

Official Ground Of Ruin Website