Grounded- No Guitar- Advice?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2015
I have around a 70 in all of my classes in high school. My parents won't let me use the internet, play guitar, or listen to music until I get a 75 or so in pretty much all of of my classes. That is probably not going to happen within the next week, but it can't last longer than the next weeks, the trimester ends then, an a I will have a hundred in every class again. Anyways, I don't fancy the idea of going for a week without playing guitar. I have a cheap acoustic with three strings hidden in my room, but I want to play a real guitar. I don't feel this is right, guitar is a positive interest. There is difference between music and video games and social media. I can completely understand a parent taking a child's video game privileges , but music is an art form. Playing and recording it is a form of expression for me. I express myself musically by writing black metal. I love heavy metal more than anything. The thing is, I don't really play video games or watch T.V, or do any other stuff that would be considered destructive. Black metal listening would be considered destructive by most parents, but I am lucky and I have open minded parents who view all music as art (except for pop, pop just sucks in my opinion, as well as my dad's opinion). Anyways, I want some advice. Should I try to talk to my parents about it, convince them to let me play guitar, but limit the allowed time of playing everyday? Should I just wait until I'm home alone and play? Should I just wait it out and stick to quietly playing War by Burzum on a cheap acoustic meant for five year olds? If I want to get very good at guitar, I need to keep my fingers in shape, for muscle memory. It will come back, but it takes a few days.

Also, because of my low grades, my parents might get me evaluated for a fake disease known as ADD. My mom says they won't medicate me or anything harmful like that. I'm not stupid, I just don't do my homework.

Also, the only reason I'm posting now is I have kindle with me in my room, I'm trying to hide it.
Well, speaking as a parent to a 15 and 13 year old - and also being a guitar player...

Are you treating your guitar playing LIKE a video game, meaning, are you putting it ahead of doing the things that should be a priority at your age (homework, studying, etc.). If so, I could see having your guitar taken away as part of the punishment, yes. If not, your parents may be taking it away to make a point to you. I would imagine this may not be a one time thing, or something that just happened out of nowhere, and they may have been on you about grades for a while?

Regardless, get them grades in order hoss! :) I go through the same with my kiddos, and listen your parents (just like myself) were knuckleheads back in the day as well. Our job is to keep our kids on track, so that hopefully they don't end up graduating and become a bunch of do nothings because they slacked off all through school.

Study harder, put in the effort, and you'll be amazed the results that come from it both in school and with your parents. :thumbsup:
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