Gruenewald, Woburn House etc.. Zeigeister bands.


Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia

Zeitgeister Music are responsible for Klabautamann, but I don't often see much mention of their side projects, including Gruenewald, Woburn House and Valborg among others.

Overall this collective of bands remains quite underground, yet very productive. They cover progressive 'organic' black metal, through to avantgarde, sludgier styles. Politics, nature, darker emotions are the subjective nature of the lyrics.

These guys have amazing musical skills and artistic vision. Imo I find them to be very unique and they certainly have an overall style which becomes recognisable across all projects without being a negative factor.

More of you folks should check these bands out, you're missing some incredible music.

Gruenewald has just released "II" which I got the other day. I cannot recommend this album to anyone highly enough, it is an incredible piece of work.

Fellow fans need only add to this thread :)
Klabautamann have become one of my favorite bands. Merkur is a fucking masterpiece! I own Island - Orakel, but I can' get into it. It's well done, just not my thing I guess. I've heard some Valborg - sounds pretty good, I need to explore further. I agree with you about the skills some of these dudes possess. I need to check out Gruenewald.
Anyone checked out the new Island s/t? Yet another superb release from them, very different from Orakel.

The new Valborg is up for pre-order, tshirts also up.

Teaser for Crown Of Sorrow here. Sounds amaaaaaazing :kickass:
Listening to Klabautamann right now. It sounds like Opeth having buttsex with Wolves in the Throne Room. Are the rest of these bands this shitty?
Apparently I have poor taste in music now because I don't like some wimpy, watered-down progressive "black metal" band.
Yea, a HUGE improvement over Orakel. I actually like the new album...can't say the same for Orakel.

Also got Gruenewald II, and it is fucking ace!!! Highly recommended...

Orakel was a bit iffy for me. But the new s/t is just brilliant.

Gruenewald II is just mindblowing imo. I love anything that Christian Kolf puts his stamp on.

I don't find any Zeitgeister band as a clone of anything else out there. They're all unique, and each have characteristics which are recognisable. So for the comments regarding Klabautamann, I couldn't disagree more, but each to their own.
Go back and start with Our Journey Through the Woods first.

Listening to Klabautamann right now. It sounds like Opeth having buttsex with Wolves in the Throne Room. Are the rest of these bands this shitty?

I'll guess you listened to a whole 30 seconds of one song right? Pretty insightful. :rolleyes: