Grunge. Why?

80's metal got oversaturated with too many no-name bands, and with a few exceptions (Warrant, Def Leppard) most bands follow-up albums were just not as good. IMO the 80's produced a lot of sophomore slump. The music was watering itself down and suffered from overexposure.

That being said, I really liked a band in the 90's named Paw.
I got into them after seeing a video on headbangers ball (Jessie - which was also on the Road Rash soundtrack) and bought Dragline soon afterwards.
I found out later (and still now) that they are considered grunge, but I never saw them that way. Honestly I didn't know how to label them.
The came out with 2 other albums Death To Traitors and Home is a Strange Place.
I love all their CD's, but man did they not get any respect in the business at all.
I met them playing The Nick in Birmingham, AL and got their autographs on a poster for Death to Traitors.
Anyway, wondering if anyone else dug this band?

I know this might not be a popular statement, but I don't agree that Pearl Jam are grunge. Way too polished of a sound, and Vedder is the LaBrie of the era, in having no ballz whatsoever in his voice. Not saying he is a bad vocalist, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to hear him try to tackle something like "TOUCH ME I'M SICK" or "LOVE BUZZ"

As I stated before, I've really just never liked the grunge label. A lot of those bands were very different from one another. The vocalist is typically the only thing that was sort of similar between them. Pearl Jam especially, like you said was too polished to be in the same category as the others. They were pretty much and are again now, a classic hard rock band. There's really nothing raw about them.

Sorry bro, i think you are just fishing for some hip terminology.

Sludge metal is more southern-fried. MELVINS are not sludgy

I would call them noisy doom metal before calling them sludge.

Or, "Music to NOT get laid by" :lol:

Whatever. I guess my main point was that I don't see them as "GRUNGE". An influence on grunge, sure. However, they really are their own beast as there aren't many if any bands that sound quite like the Melvins.
Whatever. I guess my main point was that I don't see them as "GRUNGE". An influence on grunge, sure. However, they really are their own beast as there aren't many if any bands that sound quite like the Melvins.

Agreed. Sorry if it came off as an insult. I certainly did not mean it to be.

Just seen sludge used to describe a lot of things, esp in the hipster movement.
Agreed. Sorry if it came off as an insult. I certainly did not mean it to be.

Just seen sludge used to describe a lot of things, esp in the hipster movement.

No probs, dude. It takes a whole hell of a lot to offend or insult me and you did neither. :lol:

There definitely is a fine line between slow doom, sludge, hipster and everything else that is associated with those genres.