I've really enjoyed the ride, the Dimmu years have been awesome.
I look forward to concentrating fully on my own project now, and
the opening possibility to resurrect a band or three.

A special thanks to all the crazy and lovely people I have met on
the road with Dimmu over the years, for the support from so many of
and for the continuing interest in my musical projects.
I will always treasure the albums and the brotherhood as it was
before the cabin-fever,music industry and greed went Metallica on
our asses.

My support goes to Mustis, the true creative force in Dimmu for the
last ten years,and his rightful legal chase.
Vortex was too good for Dimmu anyways. Arcturus doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon, so maybe he will get back with Borknagar and/or Lamented Souls.
Oh shit!

"I think that now is the right time to post some news on the future music plans of ICS Vortex.

Simen will have a meeting with Lamented Souls in mid September to plan a new release and a few gigs in Norway. There is another meeting also planned with Arcturus members to discuss about the future of the band and a possible reunite. Nothing's for certain yet but keep visiting back the page as more announcements will take place about Simen's projects in the very near future!"