Guess new Dream Theater drummer-win a prize.

the "DUH' heard round the world. When they made the whole first episode with him, it was obvious it was him. I'm just mad that they could of announced this months ago but decided to wait and milk it for all its worth. It would of been different if they when they showed them, they hadnt made the decision yet. I love dream theater, but now i realize why Portnoy was the face of DT. I dont think he would of ever done this say if Ruddess left. Makes me sad cause i was hoping for Donati, but there was no way he was gonna make it. From what i read, they already knew their choice before the audition took place. They took the safe choice :(
I dont think he would of ever done this say if Ruddess left. Makes me sad cause i was hoping for Donati, but there was no way he was gonna make it. From what i read, they already knew their choice before the audition took place. They took the safe choice :(

Exactly what I said a page or so ago. He is a drama queen (Portnoy) but he doesn't do this type of bs to his fans. I think the problem now is that with Portnoy leaving, who handled the majority of press/business decisions, they didn't know what to do, so I think in terms of these things they probably were pitched this to Roadrunner and went along with it. Just my guess.

Why shouldn't they take the safe route though? With how popular Portnoy was, they need someone who they know can fill his shoes and won't cause chemistry issues. Mangini had more chemistry with them than the others did.


Their disclaimer is the best:

"The Flat Earth Society is not in any way responsible for the failure of the French to repel the Germans at the Maginot Line during WWII. Nor is the Flat Earth Society responsible for the recent yeti sightings outside the Vatican, or for the unfortunate enslavement of the Nabisco Inc. factory employees by a rogue hamster insurrectionist group. Furthermore, we are not responsible for the loss of one or more of the following, which may possibly occur as the result of exposing one's self to the dogmatic and dangerously subversive statements made within: life, limb, vision, Francois Mitterand, hearing, taste, smell, touch, thumb, Aunt Mildred, citizenship, spleen, bedrock, cloves, I Love Lucy reruns, toaster, pine derby racer, toy duck, antelope, horseradish, prosthetic ankle, double-cheeseburger, tin foil, limestone, watermelon-scented air freshner, sanity, paprika, German to Pig Latin dictionary, dish towel, pet Chihuahua, pogo stick, Golf Digest subscription, floor tile, upper torso or halibut."
But... that's like exercising bragging rights for saying "the Earth is round".

Yeah, we've known this 99% since November and 100% since Mangini was spotted multiple times in Long Island and once outside Cave Studios in January/February.
Mangini has been my first pick since day one. I'm glad to see that he has the gig, and I look forward to hearing the next chapter of the band's career.

As for all of the complaints about how the band is pretentious and has been stringing its fans along, I have this to say: I didn't like the fact that we had to wait this long to get an official statement, but I realize that it's mainly because we're in the internet age. If this sort of thing happened even 15 years ago, we wouldn't have hundreds or thousands of music forums online on which we could speculate the outcome or provide hearsay. We probably would have had to wait even longer to receive any news. Nonetheless, I didn't get a pretentious vibe from the band. I think a lot of folks on this forum want to hate Dream Theater and will find any reason to do so. I'll never understand it.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Mangini has been my first pick since day one. I'm glad to see that he has the gig, and I look forward to hearing the next chapter of the band's career.

As for all of the complaints about how the band is pretentious and has been stringing its fans along, I have this to say: I didn't like the fact that we had to wait this long to get an official statement, but I realize that it's mainly because we're in the internet age. If this sort of thing happened even 15 years ago, we wouldn't have hundreds or thousands of music forums online on which we could speculate the outcome or provide hearsay. We probably would have had to wait even longer to receive any news. Nonetheless, I didn't get a pretentious vibe from the band. I think a lot of folks on this forum want to hate Dream Theater and will find any reason to do so. I'll never understand it.

Stay metal. Never rust.

I don't hate them, I just don't like them anywhere near as much as I used to.... :D
I haven't really been into DT since the KM and DS days, as their musical direction after that wasn't always to my taste (though I've always respected their musicianship and ability to make different sounding albums while still retaining the core DT sound). So I was pretty excited about the possibility of a new drummer bringing a different dynamic to the band (since Portnoy ruled the roost before), and how it could change things (my hope was back to a more song oriented approach).

With that said, my hopes of that are pretty much shot. I thought their choice for a new drummer was the guy who most resembled the old guy. Several of the other drummers were more exploratory and interesting, and could have been instrumental in helping DT reinvent themselves. I'll hold final judgment until I hear the new album of course, and although Mangini is a monster drummer, my previously elevated interest just dropped back off again. :(
I suspect if Harvester endorsed the new QR, those who bash QR here would suddenly grow a new appreciation. Or, if the band fell under the Intromental banner. It would be quite Jolly in an Artizan kind of way. :grin:

i would keep bashing them. Despite what people think about this board Glenn has his opinions and not all of us are at his beck and call. No offense to Glenn. ;) Although we do agree on plenty of stuff.

I love and respect QR's glory days but they haven't been good in a decade on CD or live. Just my opinion naturally.
Couldn't agree more.

My reason would be that they don't/can't write "songs". It's just unstructured random wankfests with a terrible singer on top of it all. If they lost Labrie, and actually wrote with some structure instead of "let's see how many different parts of the fretboard I can touch at once!" then they would probably be one of the better metal bands out there.
I never understand why people trash DT and claim their newer stuff isn't any good, and then go and give positive comments to all those other prog bands that sound similar and who's songs are, in my opinion, inferior in quality. Symphony X is a perfect example. I'm obviously a minority because I like newer DT and newer Symphony X better than the older stuff, but I really can't understand how you can think the new DT albums are weak and the new Symphony X ones are strong.

Edit: and this isn't directed at anyone in particular, just at the common hate toward DT and their newer stuff.
I suspect if Harvester endorsed the new QR, those who bash QR here would suddenly grow a new appreciation. Or, if the band fell under the Intromental banner. It would be quite Jolly in an Artizan kind of way. :grin:

Why be a douchebag and bring me into this? It's not like you need to draw further attention to yourself on this forum.

Btw, you can't hide a 5 ft asshole behind a 1/2 inch smiley.
Nonetheless, I didn't get a pretentious vibe from the band. I think a lot of folks on this forum want to hate Dream Theater and will find any reason to do so. I'll never understand it.

I don't understand the hate either. They have earned every bit of their success.

I do disagree on one thing. It's not just this forum. Plus, you can have 10 quiet positive reviews and one loud negative one. Guess where the focus is going? Once that happens, then it becomes the "forum" instead of a few people on the forum.
I haven't really been into DT since the KM and DS days, as their musical direction after that wasn't always to my taste (though I've always respected their musicianship and ability to make different sounding albums while still retaining the core DT sound). So I was pretty excited about the possibility of a new drummer bringing a different dynamic to the band (since Portnoy ruled the roost before), and how it could change things (my hope was back to a more song oriented approach).

With that said, my hopes of that are pretty much shot. I thought their choice for a new drummer was the guy who most resembled the old guy. Several of the other drummers were more exploratory and interesting, and could have been instrumental in helping DT reinvent themselves. I'll hold final judgment until I hear the new album of course, and although Mangini is a monster drummer, my previously elevated interest just dropped back off again. :(

Exactly. I was hoping for Donati, Lang or even Marco, it would of made the band exciting again. I haven't cared for an album of theirs since probably Six Degrees. Sure there have a few songs that i like, but they've stagnated with the last few albums. I hope its because of Portnoy, but i'm afraid it might be more with JP.

They picked the safe guy i think. His drum solos are great, but will he bring anything different from what Portnoy did? I dunno. I hope the cd is good.