guess the query


keeper of the flame
Oct 10, 2001
safe but not far from the city
i suck at coming up with games, so expect this to be unfunny.

the rules are blissfully simple: query google for any word / series of words you like and post three of the pictures (or links to) you get as a result. let's see if anyone can guess what your query was for.
or just try to post funny results to your searches.

i'll start:



OK, I just can't help myself. I must intervene. rahvin will hopefully thank me ultimately, because otherwise his thread will die. Quickly.

His phrase was "boots of speed." Yeah...I just don't think we're ready for that. :p

Let's start with something easier...






edit: :eek: :erk: hiljainen was getting close.
actually now i feel retarded, seeing the first pic was of some rpg probably and it said "enance speed" and then there were pics of skiing and some boot accessories. pffffffffffff i should go to sleep :p today lasted enough for my brain
MagSec4 said:
I'm sorry but rahvin's was easier..
I would've guessed something like 'speed' but now I don't have a clue..
You're thinking too hard.

Clue: I didn't post the obvious pictures because, well, it would have been obvious.

rahvin said:
i guess lina's must be "sticky finger" or something.
Have you been talking to Hearse? :err:
Opacity: That's a Dragonfly, but did you really get that with a google-search? o_O

Lina: The last one looks like Mikael Stanne in Dracula costume! :D But I guess you might have used something like "goth". Although that doesn't explain the second picture, which looks (not so) surprisingly familiar to me...

Villain said:
Lina: The last one looks like Mikael Stanne in Dracula costume!

I´d say it looks more like martin h.
actually, I thought it was, since it's similar in style to the old "satire" picture of the entire band (you know, the one with stanne sitting on a throne, sundin in front of a computer etc.)